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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 15

I don't know how long it's been...not having closed my eyes for a second to fall back asleep after what happened. Vexy leans against the bars of her cell, absentmindedly looking at her sharp nails while I still recoil from the way the vision still lingers...

...it's different...it felt real...like somehow it was happening right here and now, but that's not possible.

Footsteps are somewhat rushed as I can hear individuals coming down the "T" intersection before turning down the hallway. Vexy eyes me briefly before I see one of the individuals come into slight view from where I sit on my cot. Her dirty blonde hair is tied into two long braids coming down her back before it reaches her waist, her voice full of irritation when she sighs, "Loki's pissed as hell..."

Her eyes scan over me, those belonging to a true born hybrid as I sit further back and away. Another one of the women with short ebony hair and light brown eyes states, "Em 'n Em...wouldn't you be?"

"Ha! If I were him, I wouldn't have allowed them to escape, to begin with!" She laughs while shrugging her friend off and stating, "Then again, you're going to be tracking Mandy, so I don't know why you're all calm about the situation. How are you going to find the individual with limited information, hmm?"

As the three draw closer, I notice the way Vexy takes a few steps back, my head tilting to the side as I see her eyes flash with something dangerous.

"Calm down the both of you," the last woman shakes her light brown hair from out of her citrine eyes. Em 'n Em and Mandy release a heavy sigh, and both go into a pouting fit briefly before they turn to the older one. She then reiterates, "If they're injured in any form, we'll need to find them quickly."

"Leave it to Samami the healer to put us back on track," Em 'n Em nods, and it appears all three of them are coming to gather as a united front for whatever it is they're about to do. Mandy moves rather quickly forward through the hallway, bypassing Vexy and I's cells in the blink of an eye.

Em 'n Em is about to pass us both when she halts and suddenly slams against the cell bars of Vexy's confinement. She giggles menacingly at Vexy while Vexy yips and skirts back further into the shadows. Em 'n Em smirks and says, "Awe, what's the matter little vixen...afraid of my wolf?"

Vexy snarls back from the furthest reaches of her cell, "Chaos can only be restrained for so long..." her voice trails off before she hisses, "...and when it's released, it'll come for you tenfold."

"Psh, ain't that a laugh," Em 'n Em shakes her head while continuing to taunt the kitsune.

Her voice fades away into the background as Samami comes to stand in front of my cell door. Her eyes trail over my form, and I draw my legs up close to my chest and rest my chin on the tops of my knees.

When Samami speaks, it's not in an aggressive tone...watching the way her irises quickly flicker to reflect that distinctive golden glint, "Glofish and Brilite mentioned Dante brought a human into Elysium..." when her voice trails off, I see the flash of pain from her wolf that throws me off guard when she states, "...I didn't think it was true."

Em 'n Em backs off from Vexy...only to come near Samami's side as her irises scan me with perception. She tilts her head to the side and asks more to her companion than directed at me, "What'd she do?"

"Dante pretty much told them, in short, to keep their mouths shut..." Samami nods. Those two didn't tell others who I am...at least I can be thankful for that because now I'm feeling more embarrassed the longer I'm in here. It's like I'm on display for whoever walks by and I want to curl up in a corner and disappear.

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