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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 18

Uncle Keveon has been recovering, his physical appearance almost waisting away...

"All this time..." dad's voice trails off as we all sit in the living room. Even Aohdan and Rochelle linger in the archway while Rian sits close to the fireplace. He shakes his head, "I'm an idiot."

"Yes and no," Aohdan can't help himself, "there's no way you could ever have perceived Acacia as a true born hybrid...no one could have, not with what's been brought to light about everything."

"Lars," Dad breathes out.

Lailoken nods and replies, "It wasn't just Acacia who was to be broken, but you as well because without your innate whit and knowledge...how could anyone make a move against the throne?"

"Lars wanted this to happen, he wanted the chaos so that we would place our faith in a stronger force," I quietly reply, still understanding everything that's unfolded over the hours.

"A goddess?" Dad asks though, but it's more directed to Lailoken.

Lailoken shrugs his shoulders and replies, "There are far greater forces at work beyond this world..." his voice trails off as he chuckles, "...and to think there was a time when hybrids were considered a myth."

He speaks the truth...but what does this mean now?

There's a knock at the front door, one of dad's coven members opening the door before a very loud Em 'n Em's voice fills the entryway, "This place is HUGE."

She walks through the door, along with Samami, Mandy, Mami, and Glofish. They are all given many different mixed looks from those who have hardly seen them.

Brilite glances around before stating, "Uh...so whatcha lookin' at?"

Aohdan shakes his head and Lailoken introduces, "Members of the Vindicator Wardens Pack; Glofish, Samami, Mami, Mandy, Brilite and Em 'n Em," he pauses a moment before giving them a questioning glance.

"The rest are guarding Elysium," Glofish speaks for everyone as she states, "we managed to reach out to hybrids that don't stand behind Mercury and Ciarán, ones who remember the time when the Code of Conduct destroyed many lives. Even the Ice Haven Pack...they'll be here in a while."

Ice Haven Pack?

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Brilite has all eyes on her as she says, "The Mercy Matrons, Primordial Snare Pack, Silent Stars Pack and Crusaders Pack will be arriving shortly."

Mandy nods and asks, "Have you seen the satellite view of their rebellion nearing Castle Valentine?"

Lailoken says nothing in return and is quick to take the screen that Mandy outstretches her arms to hand him. I'm sitting quietly with everyone else and it only takes Em 'n Em a second later before she exclaims, "Holy shit! She's one of us!"

She's pointing at me as my cheeks turn a bright shade of red. Their excitement bubbles, but it's quickly contained when Lailoken comes back and informs everyone, "They'll be within striking distance in at least three hours."

"The packs will be here in about an hour," Mami speaks up and it's then that all eyes fall on me.

"What?" I ask with confusion. Glancing at dad, even he is looking at me and I exclaim louder, "What?"

"You're the queen, Acacia," Dad reminds me and my skin breaks out in goosebumps, "it's your call."

I look from Taron to Rian and then rest my eyes on Lailoken before replying, "I can't..."

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