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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 18

"Can you leave?" I ask Lailoken after tightening my grip on the cup.

He turns his head, and I can feel his eyes on me when he asks, "Excuse me?"

"You really are dense," I push the blanket off me, rising to my feet before I take a few steps toward the wooden railing of the balcony. I feel Lailoken's eyes trailing after me, and as I lean against the railing, I break it down for him, "You said that I couldn't leave, so I'm asking if you can leave...nicely."

Lailoken releases a sigh, hearing him also get to his feet. He approaches me from behind, halting a few feet away before his voice lowers, "I'm the alpha little kitten, I will do as I please while trying my best to tolerate your behavior. I don't allow anyone to speak to me the way you have and continue to do so. Understand here; I'm giving you a grace period." After he pauses a moment, my grip becoming even tighter on the cup, he states, "you are my mate, and when you're ready to accept that and allow me to claim you, then I'll know you're safe. Only then will I ever allow you to leave this lodge."

Anger builds up within me, and I release a long breath before I turn around to face him. My eyes lift from his chest, catching Lailoken's haunting reddish-orange eyes before I find my courage and retort, "First of all, stop calling me that...secondly, little and kitten don't need to go together because one implies the other." His features shift when I say this, but I narrow my eyes while tilting my head to the side asking, "Are you threatening me?"

"That's not what I-"

"What, so if I don't accept you, you're going to force your mark on me? Is that it?" I shake my head in anger as my eyes look into his. I blink my eyelids hard a few times before releasing a sarcastic laugh and stating, "Well if that's the case, you might as well go ahead and mark me now because I'll never be yours willingly. I will never let you claim me because I don't want a mate bond. I've seen what it does, and I don't want any part of it...especially not from someone who just took me captive and won't let me leave. Especially not a true born hybrid!" I throw the last one in his face hard.

He's no different than anyone else.

Lailoken continues to look down at me, his eyes searching mine. The moment he parts his lips to speak, he's halted by the way his irises darken from the mind link between his pack. It only lasts a few seconds before his eyes revert to normal, his train of thought halted as he tells me, "I need to leave-"

"Good," is all I say, turning away from him and back out into the forest.

He releases a slightly annoyed sigh, but he refrains from letting his anger get the best of him while informing me, "Glofish is my beta and will be in charge while I'm away."

"I'm sure she has better things to do than babysit someone who doesn't want to be here," I release a sigh and shrug my shoulders, "cut her some slack and do us all a favor...let me leave-"

A small cry leaves my lips when I feel Lailoken's hand wrap around my upper arm. He turns me around to face him rather forcefully, tears forming in my eyes at how his grip compresses my muscles tightly. His eyes narrow on mine as I'm pulled around, losing my grip on the cup, and it falls to the balcony.

The moment another soft whimper emits from me, his eyes soften, his features shifting as he releases my upper arm. When I glance down, my eyes widening, I see a red mark of his handprint where he'd grabbed me.

"Ekáti, I'm s-"

Tears finally fall down my cheeks as I angrily spit back, "You know, I thought you were just like everyone else who's hurt me in my life...but in fact, you're worse!" I can hardly see him through my blurry vision as I state, "At least everyone else could control when they'd want to hurt me specifically...but you? You can't even touch me without hurting me!"

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