- Prologue -

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It was Christmas morning.

Natalia remembered being in her room, playing with her dolls and listening to the Christmas music that came from downstairs. The door to her pink room was ajar, allowing the smell of freshly baked cookies to make her giggle and smile as she moved her doll from one place to the other.

With a small, four year old grin on her face, Natalia Petrova was a happy, poster child. She was the spitting image of her father; soft ombre colored hair with sky blue eyes that some said, could uncover the darkest secrets.

Natalia was always a calm child. She never argued, never talked back, and never once thought of herself instead of others. She listened to her parents and did exactly what she was told to do...up until that Christmas Day.

Christmas day was the first day Natalia did not listen to her parents.

She was peacefully playing with her dolls when suddenly, a small knock drifted through her ears from the front door.

Natalia was excited, thinking that it was her Uncles who were supposed to be visiting. So, she abandoned her dolls and shot up; her soft brown ponytail hitting her back with every step as she sprint out of her room and down the stairs.

An ear splitting grin was on her face when she watched as her mother, Tatiana Petrova, walk to the door while wiping her dough covered hands on her red and green Christmas apron.

Her own blonde hair was pinned up in a messy but stylish bun, one that made her beauty much more highlighted than before.

With a small smile to her daughter, Tatiana walked over to the front door and slid open the top lock before reaching her hand around the brass knob and turning it to the side.

The winter breeze was strong, but not strong enough for Natalia who remained behind her mother, gripping onto the soft fabric of her long red dress. She peeked her head around her mother's thigh and looked out to the door.

The men standing in front of the two were dressed formally; black suits with white undershirts and black ties. They had scarves around their necks, red ones that made Natalia shift side to side.

An uncomfortable look was on her face.

Natalia's grip subconsciously tightened, causing her mother to reach behind her and gently grip her shoulder.

"Can I help you?" Her mother spoke with a calm voice, one that she was famous for.

"Is Dante home?" The one on the right asks immediately. Natalia frowned.

Her father was a construction worker. Why would he be working with men who dress nicely?

She watched as her mother's face furrowed; her eyebrows sinking in as the grip on the door tightened, her knuckles growing white.

With a fake smile on her face, Tatiana said calmly, "I'm afraid he is in the back. I'll go and get him for you."

She began to shut the door, but the man's foot stopped it. He curled his fingers around the red painted door, ignoring the Christmas wreath in front of him as he forcefully pushed it open.

His white, gold-toothed grin made Natalia feel as though she had looked the boogeyman right in the eyes.

Tatiana, without a moment of hesitation, lift her knee and slammed the heel of her foot in the man's toes, causing him to curse and jump back while also letting go of the door.

With alert brown eyes, she slammed the door and locked it before looking down to Natalia with wide eyes.

"Call papa and tell him that 'Babayega' is here," she instructed quickly a forceful tone. "Now!"

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