27.| Six Feet Above Ground

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"Peasant?", Alex whispers to herself as she scans the girl who was now as tall as her and almost as tall as Keith; thanks to those heeled boots which were probably five inches tall.

"Angela...", Keith sighs obviously annoyed before looking at the open door which had suddenly caught his interest, "What are you doing here?"

Angela shrugs with a plastic smile.

"Thought I'd check up on you, but looks like I caught you at a bad time.", she says as her hazel brown eyes drift from her boyfriend to Alex then back to him.

Keith straightened his back and gave the open-mouthed doctor a death glare.

"I'll be taking the strongest painkillers you have that could last us at least five hours. Thank you.", Keith orders after nodding his head once firmly in an authoritative manner.

Once the doctor takes that as his cue to leave and closes the door softly after himself Keith then turns back to look at Angela; not so pleased.

"You did catch me at a bad time though. I have a mission to get to so tell Mom to stop interrupting me.", Keith says before he begins dragging Alex who had been staring at her own clothes in a disturbance.

"Hey hey! Calm down Jerk! I'm having difficulty walking here.", Alex hollers at Keith who had just slammed the door after themselves and was about to continue dragging Alex onward towards an empty chair but stops at Alex's complaint while she struggled to adjust her position, "Jheeze."

"Okay so you know our-", Keith begins asking Alex before getting cut off by her annoyed remark.

"Yes, yes, and yes! Now, will you stop bugging me!", she says as she loads a pistol and places it into the bag specially made for it on her black belt wrapped around her waist under her black turtleneck top which was covered over by a weapon strap obviously stashed with weapons of all sorts.

"Good, just making sure.", Keith grins while fixing his own weapon straps which were keeping his pants in place and afterward pulls his leather jacket over them.

Felix stops the truck giving them a cue to file out. Yet, just as Alex opened her door and was about to step out Keith pulled her backward causing her to fall on her back against the Toyota's black leather seats. He looks at her in a with one of his famous smirks as she hisses and lurches a punch at him which he had luckily dodged, but had grabbed her wrist in the process of it.

"Did you take your painkillers, Mary Sue?", he says cockily as he wiggles the bag between his first two fingers.

"Of course I didn't if you have them Jerk.", she retorts as she reaches for them with her other free hand, yet Keith decided to start up a game called: Keep the Bag Out of The Dying Girls Reach.

"If you want the bag, give me a peck on the cheek for being your knight in shining armor again.", he states as he flutters his eyes innocently while Alex got in an upright position while glaring at him.

"In your dreams Jerk.", she says with an eye roll but as she was about to turn around and get out of the truck Keith yanked on her wrist while sliding over next to her so that their faces were inches apart.

"You know what that means but you don't remember much of anything else?", he whispers in a deeper voice than usual as his eyes flutter down to her lips than back to her eyes.

Alex's eyes mimic the actions his eyes took before she slowly leans forward and...gives him a hard push outside while opening his door; yanking the bag and her wrist out of his grip. Keith rolls out of the car but quickly jumps to his feet and glares at Alex who was waving the bag before unzipping it and swallowing both pills without water.

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