4.| The Truth?

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Natalia marches to her locker and opens it, but gets surprised when a large Academy bag falls out. She looks at it at first confused but then grins.
Without any hesitation, she opens it and pulls out a pistol right as the lunch bell rings. Quickly she puts the pistol back, zips up the new bag and places her carry on bag in her locker.
Natalia looks up just as two girls make the turn and look up at her. They give her a weak smile and walk the other way quickly. She looks down at the bag with weapons and clenches it before walking towards The Hall.

All three of the students move in the black seats nervously as DeVito's brown eyes make contact with each of the students eyes.
He folds his hands and inhales, "Alek", he begins as he grabs the towheaded boys attention, "would you mind telling me what exactly lead to the fight in my hallway?"
Alek glares at Natalia,"Natalia decided to solve a problem on her own."
Natalia looks at him from the corner of her eyes annoyed.
"Natalia", the brunette looks up at DeVito bored before she notices his gaze peeled to her bruised jaw, "what exactly happened to your jaw?"
"I-", she stutters before looking at Alek and hardening her glare, "Well, this asshole messed with the wrong person, he decided to pull a prank on me by telling me that his last name is Petrova!"
Alek stands up with Natalia after him.
"Do you want another bruise in the jaw hotshot?!", Alek's tone echoed around the room as he faced the same blue eyes.
"Give it a try-", Natalia starts off before she gets pulled down by Teddy and placed in his chair.
Teddy sits in the middle of Natalia and Alek before looking up at DeVito.
"They want to know who's the real Petrova." 
DeVito looks at all three students wide eyed.
"That is what caused the fight?"
Teddy nods once firmly before looking at Natalia who was sitting crossed armed with a pissed off expression. DeVito nods understandingly, but once he was done his dark brown eyes look at the two sky blue eyes before looking down and lifting his head with a fake smile.
"You both are Petrova and...", he stops and looks down before looking back up, "you both are brother and sister."
"What?!", Alek and Natalia say in unity as they scoot up in there chairs and Teddy throws his arms out, preventing them from moving any further.
They both glare at each other then return their attention back to DeVito and move back in their chairs allowing Teddy to take his arms out of the way. DeVito puts up his hand signaling him to be quiet while his office chair lets out a little squeak as he leans forward and eyes Teddy, then the two siblings.
"I know it's a lot to take in that's why I was afraid of telling you two..", he purses his lips and looks down at his desk, "well telling both of you that you...", he pauses and thinks of what to say next.
"The truth", Teddy says as all the eyes land on him.
"That you two were related.", everyone looks back at DeVito, who's eyes had turned darker.
"Were?", Natalia says as she looks at DeVito with a grin that started to fade away. She looks at Teddy; whose arms were crossed over his chest and his eyes which looked as if they were filled in anger,"The truth?", she looks back at DeVito and whispers,"What's that all mean?"
DeVito clears his throat and puts his hands under the desk. Natalia's raises her eyebrows and looks at the man sitting in front of her.
"You do know I know what that button under your desk is, right?", she says calmly before standing up.
Natalia shakes her head, but before she was about to turn around and walk away; Teddy stands up and grabs her arm. She looks up at him as he motions her to sit back down.
"There is no other way to solve this, then to go through.", he says in a strict tone almost reminding Natalia of DeVito himself.
Natalia looks at DeVito and Alek before returning it to Teddy and rolling her eyes. She sits down and folds her hands across her chest.
"What I meant to say was that you two are related", DeVito says with a smile that faded as soon as he made eye contact with Natalia,"And that's the truth.", he looks at Teddy from the corner of his eyes before looking back at the Natalia and Alek, "That's all, and you two better stop solving useless problems like this with fists. The sooner you learn, the less you'll see my face. Now, you all will have to excuse me", he glares at his mahogany desk before looking back up with a fake smile and finishing off, "I have some paperwork to complete." 
All three students stand up and walk out the door in a single file quietly as one of the assistants hands Natalia her bag. Right as Teddy closes the door the next period bell rings. Natalia looks up at the bell before looking at the towheaded boy a couple feet in front of her; who she had just figured out was her brother.
"How old are you?", she yells to Alek as she folds her hands across her chest but then notices that he wasn't stopping, "Alek!"
He stops and turns around before sighing and answering, "Twenty-one. You?"
Natalia looks at the cream walls as she presses her tongue against cheek, before looking at the red carpet. Alek grins as Natalia looks up at him with her head hanging low.
He chuckles dryly and shakes his head, "Nice try Natalie, but you just can't lie right. You don't look a day over twenty."
He puts on his mask and looks at Natalia who had thrown her hands by her sides and clenched her fists; obviously restraining herself from running up to Alek and punching him.
"It's Natalia not Natalie, stupid!"
He chuckles fondly as he looks at Natalia before glaring over her shoulder to see Teddy eyeing him.
"I gotta get going."
With that said Alek spins around on his heels and walks off. Natalia rolls her eyes and turns around to find herself facing Teddy. She looks at the ground nervously knowing that she should apologize only she couldn't find the right words. Instead all that came out was a simple "Gotta get to class."
Teddy nods and moves to the side allowing Natalia to pass. She gets a couple feet ahead of him before he calls her name.
She spins around and eyes Teddy.
"Don't get into anymore fights."
She rolls her eyes annoyed before crossing her hands over her chest.
"Well, I'm sorry, but that's what I'm trained to do so stop acting like I'm a damsel in distress and buzz off will you?"
Natalia immediately regretted saying that when she noticed how Teddy's emerald green eyes filled with pain but she couldn't take it back, something inside of her wasn't allowing her to.
She quickly turns the other way and walks out of The Hall silently leaving Teddy to watch her through the large window in agony.


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