8.| Hard Walls

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Natalia's brow furrows forward as she ponders on what Adeline had just said before looking at both Adeline and Aiden. She quickly noticed that they had similar eye color but Adeline's blonde hair contrasted Aiden's charcoal black hair.

Must be a popular last name?, she thought to herself.

"Were step-brother and sister", Adeline says as she inhales sharply and nods once firmly.

Natalia nods noticing it wasn't a topic she wanted to talk about, but remained  confused, not knowing what 'step-brother and step-sister' meant.

"Do you have any siblings?", Adeline suddenly asks.

Natalia straightens her back and scans the pearl white carpet underneath the bed.

"I've been informed that I have an older brother, but it's not something I'm easily gonna accept."

"How long have you known that you had an older brother?", Aiden says in a deeper voice than before.

Natalia's sky blue eyes almost pale up a little more than they already were as she makes eye contact with Aiden.

"Three days ago", she says as her eyes darken up and her head rolls side to side.

"You have some pretty hard walls built up around your heart, don't you?", Aiden says with a grin.

"Well not like I'm letting anyone tear them down."

Adeline shakes her head and looks at her watch.

"Okay change of topic", she says as her hazel eyes travel from her brother to Natalia, "You have to bring back the key from the hotel room you rented."

Adeline finishes quickly before spinning on her heels and marching towards the door with Aiden following.


Adeline and Aiden stop in their tracks and look back at Natalia more confused than her. The moment of realization strikes Natalia as she remembers what Adeline meant and follows both Adeline and Aiden out of the room.

They lead her through the enormous mansion that had beautiful chandeliers hanging off the ceilings, pearl white carpet in some areas while in others grey colored bamboo spread out and creamy white walls separating some rooms from the others. But what caught Natalia's eyes was the room surrounded by glass with all sorts of expensive looking gym equipment.

She felt a hand in her shoulder and quickly whips her head around to see Aiden grinning at her. Natalia shakes his hand off and looks one more time at the gym area before following Adeline into a room, which she quickly realized was no room. It was a garage filled with modern, beyond expensive, cars.

Natalia held back the joy which was almost about to erupt out of her, but just managed to let out a small smile as she took in every little detail about each car. This had reminded her of the Academy's own garage filled with every car possible, yet she was only allowed to visit it when she was sent on a mission.

"So you like our gym area and our garage?"

Natalia looks at Aiden and rolls her eyes.

"Can't I admire something I might never see again and something I haven't seen before?"

Adeline gets into a silver sports jaguar and looks at Aiden.

"I have to go check on Genesis and pay a quick visit to Audrey, would you mind taking Killer back to the hotel?"  

Natalia folds her arms and gives Adeline a death glare. Aiden chuckles to himself and runs his hand through his sleek black hair.

"Nah I wouldn't mind, it would be a great way for me to find out more about Mary Sue."

"You won't get a damn thing outta me, jerk."

Aiden glares at Natalia annoyed but looks at Adeline and nods once. Adeline nods back with a weak smile before getting into the car and opening the garage door. She reverses out carefully before waving and driving off slowly but cautiously. Natalia looks at Aiden who was walking over to a black bugatti.

He unlocks the car and turns around on his heels facing Natalia who to his surprise was watching him. She looks at another car before throwing her hands by her side and going to the passenger side of the bugatti. Aiden grins but it quickly fades as he enters into the bugatti with Natalia.

He reverses out of the garage the exact opposite way Adeline had done and speeds down the street after closing the garage door. A smile creeps up on Natalia's face, obviously enjoying the speed.

"So Mary Sue, are you gonna give me a nickname?"

"I already did"

"When-", he begins but stops and looks at Natalia annoyed before continuing, "Jerk. Seriously?"

Natalia lifts her eyebrows, smiles and nods then continues to stare out the window.

"You have a bad taste in nicknames, Mary Sue."

Natalia looks at Aiden annoyed as he chuckles to himself.

"That's cause I have no interest in nicknames, Jerk."

Aiden throws his head back and laughs as Natalia just smiles and rolls her eyes. She had just completed a mission with some random girls brother who seemed like a creep in the beginning and still seemed like it, yet he made her forget about the Academy and all the violence that had taken place yesterday.

"You seem like your deep thought; thinking about me Mary Sue?"


"You hesitated."

"I was 'deep in thought' jerk, just concentrate on your driving."

He grins and continues driving. Aiden looks over at Natalia who looked as if she was studying the window separating her from the world. She seemed so calm and so relaxed, it almost looked as if she had forgotten what had just happened two days ago.

"Sleeping for two days straight had to be a goal for you huh?"

She whips around and locks eyes with Aiden as her face suddenly pales up a little.


He looks at her confused.

"What the hell?! Why didn't anyone wake me up?"

"We couldn't cause you were in coma, duh"

Natalia slowly slides lower into the chair and covers her face with her hands.

"I'm dead meat", she whispers to herself.

Aiden places a hand on her knee trying to comfort her and a little too used to doing whatever he set his mind on doing but to his surprise Natalia slaps his hand and glares at him as he retreats his stinging hand.

"Do NOT touch me."

"Jeez girl, what's gotten up your ass now?", he says as he looks from her to the road.

"Just shut-up."

An awkward silence filled the car as they continued down the road, now both deep in thought.

Natalia slams the door from the bugatti and begins to storm her way towards the hotel when Aiden grabs her left arm and stops her. She glares at Aiden before jerking her arm out of his strong grip.

"What the heck is wrong with you?"

Natalia stops in her tracks.

"You stayed at Jen-Adeline's house for two days straight, I gave you a safe ride here, I lightened up your freakin sour mood and no thank you?!"

Natalia spins around on her heels and stomps over to Aiden.  Aiden would've said something perverted at how close Natalia was to him but he was not 'in the mood'.

"Those two days are gonna cost me and you, so I'm sorry if you have to go home crying because some girl hurt your pride but I'm heading straight into eternal punishment, so just be thankful that your not ever gonna have to see my face again!"

Natalia spins around as the blonde tips of her hair whip Aiden's white shirt. He shakes his head pissed as he makes his way into the car. Aiden speeds down the alley just as Natalia entered the hotel lobby.

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