19.| Nightmares

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After the whole Armstrong family arrived home they were all sent to bed including the only non-Armstrong family member who was escorted to a guests bedroom upstairs just across from her archenemies room. Alex didn't quite remember much of anything after being put in bed with a swollen thigh, aching arm, and the painful feeling of her head beating, and that all was true until she was hit with the unexpected.

In the corner of the room an extremely skinny, familiar little girl with shoulder length light almond hair who was wearing a black uniform with The Academy labeled on the back of it lay rolled to one side of the bed bailing her eyes out.

"Y-y-you s-", she began stuttering but stopped just as more tears came rolling down her cheeks.

She must've been six or possible even seven, but just as Alex took a step from the hall to the door entrance she was at; the girl whipped her head around but didn't stand. Her hazel green eyes looked somewhat familiar, Alex sweared she had seen them somewhere just couldn't point her finger on who.

"I'm not going! I'm not doing it!", her voice cracked as she yelled at Alex.

"Goi-", Alex began to ask but was cut off by a deep sharp voice that caused the hairs on her back to raise.

"So you still haven't learned your lesson, have you Riley?", the voice says from behind... no, going through Alex!

A man with a shaved sharp chin, brownish-whitish hair, green eyes, and dressed formally had just walked through Alex and over to the other side of the room so that he could be facing the little girl.

"Do you want to go for another two days without eating?", the man asks just as two guys dressed in black suits with a black mask entered carrying guns.

Alex remained there staring at everything playing out so out of order.

"Leave me alone! I'm not going to be a killer like that Alexandria or like you! Y-y-you Monster!", the girl yells as she jumps of the bed and yells at the guy who must've been the boss.

The older man did the most least expected thing Alex herself could think of doing; he slapped the little girl over the face so hard the Alex was sure she heard a slight crack, but it didn't end there the boss figure towered over the crying girl who lay on her bed sobbing loudly. Alex zoned out at what the little girl had said.

Her name was Alexandria and she was a....that could not be. She didn't know this little girl or the tyrant boss figure, but there could always be a possibility that they knew her. Wasn't Keith talking about her having memory loss problems earlier this morning? Maybe she had forgotten? Or maybe not.

Alex was brought back to life when she heard the little girl scream as she was lift by her hair and practically almost dragged out of the room she had been in by the two guards that were once standing at the corners of the room but were now making their way out of the room. They go through Alex with the girl in their grasp, passing the doorway she had been waiting at for all that time. The guys take the little girl down the ugly looking blue grey colored hall until they make a right turn and her tiny helpless screams are drowned out.
"May I help you?", the guy in the room suddenly asks causing Alex to whip her head around and stare at him confused.

Who was he talking to?, she thought to herself until his face formed an evil grin and that's when a flashback returned to her mind. She remembered him! This "tyrant" was none other than DeVito from The Academy; the place she had come from earlier that morning. But he; DeVito, was talking to Alex.

"Alexandria. What brings you here?", he says in one of those annoying tones where it made Alex want to run up to him and strangle him; which surprisingly she found herself doing.

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