14.| New Identity

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Natalia had been hearing that name for quite some time being repeated but couldn't bring herself to opening her eyes. That was until now. Her eyelids slowly began to peel open as more and more of her sky blue eyes came to view.

To her left was a woman dressed in white, Natalia moves her head to the right to see two men dressed formally. The one standing was most likely around his sixties and the one sitting down was in his forties. Both men looked like they were carrying on a good conversation but Natalia could clearly tell that the one sitting down was in a nervous wreck.

The white covers that were once covering the bed were now thrown to the side as Natalia slowly but somewhat painfully threw her legs to the other side of the bed. Natalia places her head in her hands suddenly getting a really bad headache.

"Alexandria?", said a deep voice from behind Natalia.

Natalia looks over her shoulder to find the source of the voice; who turned out to be the older of the two. He gives her a comforting smile as the younger one pales up. The older one looks down at the younger one.

"And I began feeding the thought that you planned this all out against me, but I guess I was wrong."

DeVito looks up at the older one with a fake smile before standing and shaking his head from left to right while his gelled hair remained unmoved.

"No Arthur", DeVito says in a sarcastic tone, "I'd never do that."

Arthur chuckles to himself and looks up at Natalia who lift her tank top in shock to find a band wrapped around her stomach and back.

"Although I do wish I didn't need to meet her on such a dramatic occasion."

"She does have a tendency for causing most of the violence here."

Natalia blankly yet clueless looks up at both DeVito and Arthur before letting her tank top drop back into its normal position. The nurse backs out of the room as DeVito motions her to leave. Arthur makes his way on the other side of the bed and comes to a stop within a two feet distance of Natalia. She backs up one step expecting the worst out of his approach, but instead Arthur just reaches out his hand and waits for a firm shake.

"It's a pleasure to finally be able to meet you, Miss Warskafski."

Although Natalia was still confused she held out her hand and gave his a firm shake. DeVito stands on the other side of the bed tense as he watches all of this play out.

"I'm Arthur, government agent in asset training. I am here to take you to a much higher and honored level of assassination. Are you willing to cooperate?"

After a few minutes of silence she nods her head once somewhat understanding who she was and what she was about to do. Arthur takes his hand back and straightens his posture pleased. DeVito shoulders shag as he quietly sighs in relief.

"Then welcome to the Ravenstone Operation."

Arthur looks at DeVito with his eyebrows lifted and a smile playing on his lips.

"Shall we finish the papers in your office?"

DeVito gives them both his famous fake smile and nods his head just before spinning on his heels and walking out the door, quickly being followed by Arthur and the no longer known Natalia but instead known as Alexandria. Yet, she didn't notice the difference. And just knowing that his planned worked; for the second time satisfied DeVito.

Alexandria was seated in a leather black chair while across the large mahogany office desk, seated in an office chair was DeVito. Arthur had just hanged up a call he had made to his men, ordering them to bring in his bag and some other stuff Alexandria didn't care about.

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