17.| Parents

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Alex looks at the Armstrong family but reluctantly ignores Keith's lingering gaze. The mixture of judging and fearful gazes seemed familiar, which caused her to tense. There was just a split second of fear and anxiety that appeared in her eyes before slowly disappearing and getting replaced with the lifeless blue eyes she now has.

Although Jennifer and Carson were probably more observant of the Armstrong family it was none other than Keith who noticed it. As much as Keith wanted to take advantage of Alexandria's vulnerable state and as much as Alex wanted to just stand and walk away from her problem; both didn't.

Luckily Keith broke the growing tension by simply slapping his knees to create a loud and disturbing sound that everyone secretly appreciated before grinning at everyone then swiftly turning his head to the right to make eye contact with Alex's lifeless sky blue eyes that had grown darker.

With just a simple and slight motion of Keith's head, Alex luckily understood as a gentle command to stand obediently and follow him. Without a moment of hesitation Alex quickly stood just after Keith and followed him through the kitchen and out of the sliding door from the dining room.

Just as Alex stepped outside on a beautiful wooden deck, a wave of relief washed over her. It was as if she had forgotten about everything that had happened just a couple of seconds ago, while allowing herself to take in the beauty of the place.

Keith gently slides the sliding door shut while watching Alex walk over to the edge of the deck and gaze down, around his family's backyard. Alex's ponytail slides over her shoulder showing a logo of a crow carrying a skull in one foot with "Proud To Be In The Academy" words circling it; bringing flashbacks to three days ago when Alex had told him that she was heading straight into eternal punishment just because she was coming in two days late.

Did her punishment pertain to getting drugged with memory loss or being given a new identity?, Keith thought to himself.

"How can someone known to be so...cruel, own such a beauty?", Alex asks; shaking Keith from his own thoughts.

"I...dunno.", he walks over next to her purposely brushing his arm against hers,"You tell me."

Goosebumps rose along her arms as the hairs behind her neck and spine rose. Her heart began racing as tiny tingles formed where his arm leaned against hers.

Just as Keith leaned completely leaned forward on the rails and looked over at Alex did she finally snap out of it. In a quick motion she was with her back turned against the rails and leaning against them with her arms crossed over her chest while she looked over to her left; obviously trying to ignore Keith's eyes that she could feel were looking at the back of her head.

"So...Mary Sue. What was all of that about inside?"

Alex came to an understanding that Mary Sue must've been here nickname, perhaps. So she ignored the childish nickname and tried answering Keith based on her best understandings.

"I...I...,", she lets out an exasperated sigh, "I just didn't know and it was getting really annoying having Jennifer constantly nagging me about questions that I don't know how to respond to."

"You actually don't remember anything that happened yesturday or any days before that?", Keith asks with a puzzled expression plastered across his face.

Alex nods two times with wide eyes causing Keith to give a little hmp before silence once again overruled the two deep-in-thought teens.

"What do you do for Arthur?", Alex suddenly asks, breaking the silence with a random question while her eyes scanned Keith. 

Keith looks up at Alex locking eyes with her.

"What'ya mean?"

"Well...I'm pretty sure Arthur wouldn't put himself in the middle of harm's way. Pft, I mean that's the reason why I'm here right?"

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