Chapter One

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My bag lay open by my side, my books a discarded mess on the desk. My desk was old now, the fraying oak showing its age. It creaked under any weight and was tainted by nail varnish and glue from failed art projects over the years.

My eyes zoned in on the group chat again, seeing the words filter in. I waited for a couple of responses before I'd give mine. I always based my reactions off of others, it had become a habit now, something I did subconsciously.

Luka was currently spamming the group chat with emojis while Sebastian was aggressively telling her to stop, complaining that his phone was freezing as a result of her onslaught. I scrolled up the chat, checking if I had missed anything. They'd sent a picture of Karma Parnell,a bit of an odd name if you ask me. Who'd want to name their child after something considered to be the backlash of being a bad person? 

I quickly scrolled down to add, "Oh, I hadn't seen him yet. What's he like?"

I hadn't been to school the day before, or the day before that. But I did know of the new boy who had joined our class.

"He's weird, always disrupting the class with stupid commentary." Came Luka's feverish response followed by Angie's more mellowed one.

"He is kind of funny, to be fair. I don't think I've ever seen Mr Kahill look so red."

"Arrête avec ceux bête emojis, j'ai dit!!' Came Sebastian's angry reply who I guessed was still being bombarded with emojis on his side. He turned to French when he became truly annoyed.

Luka spammed him with the annoyed face emoji.

'Okay leave the poor French boy alone, I think he might actually try to strangle
you through the virtual screen.' I reasoned, until the stream began to die down.

'I did see him, I'm not complaining by any means.' Sebastian added, along with a suggestive emoji.

His character popped up again, signaling he was typing again. 'I have to go, my mom is calling me for church.'

Sebastian was part of a very strict catholic French family, who insist on going to church every Saturday and would go hysterical if they discovered their son was gay, or so he insisted. I've met his parents. His mom seemed lovely but his father was the coldest person I think I've ever come into contact with. He doesn't smile or joke around, I've never seen him dress casually or be anything that would be considered even slightly friendly.

I clicked out of Snapchat, ready to finally focus my attention back on my neglected homework.


Sebastian stood nervously in his room, mass finished an hour ago and it was ticking onto 9 o clock. He heard his parents start to climb the stairs, they tipped open his door to say goodnight, he felt guilty when his mother's eyes lit up at the biology book in his lap, he hadn't even glanced at it.

She gave him a delighted smile, 'study hard, but don't stay up too late.' She shut his door quietly, as he reached for his phone.

'They've gone up.'

It only took a few minutes for the reply to leak in.

'You're still okay about tonight?'

Sebastian felt his heart hang heavy in his chest as it beat furiously. He hastily typed back a definite yes, he heard the blinds being drawn in his parents room.

He waited another two hours for good measure, wasting time by flicking through his biology book and doing some idle homework as it ticked by painfully slowly, then finally when the clock hit eleven o Clock, he changed into his leather jacket, gelled his hair back and grabbed his glasses from on top of his press. He opened his door quietly, and tip toed down the stairs. Stealing the keys from the hook behind the fridge, he walked over to the door and unlocked it before he slipped out into the cool night air.

It chilled him to the bone as he stilled, listening for any noise and his heartbeat began to slow down when he was rewarded with the silence he craved at that moment. He stared down to the street and saw only darkness, it unnerved him slightly but he continued ahead in spite of the hesitation.

He kept to the road, realizing how stupid it was of him to be walking in complete darkness, he hadn't even brought a flashlight. Here he was hoping a car wouldn't come bombing down before he reached his destination. Hopefully the occasional streetlight would conceal him enough to hide his identify, but make him visible enough not to be run over.

His thoughts went wild, as his eyes skimmed over the vast expanse of darkness, It hid everything.

His face heated up and his legs began to feel heavier but he trudged ahead, imagining himself as a soldier in a war but quickly retracted that idea, imagining it would be a lot more nerve wracking.

Suddenly car lights came to life before him, he stumbled back in shock, seeing an arm leaning out the open window, a cigarette barely visible under the dim streetlight, he could see the puff of smoke released into the air, it flew by him before disappearing into itself.

"Well, are you just going to stand there?" Came his faint voice and if Sebastian didn't know any better, he would have thought he was mocking him.

He approached the car, some of his nerve dissolving as Dean reached over and pushed the passenger side door open. Sebastian saw he was still wearing his varsity school jacket as he sat in the seat beside him.

"You want one?" Dean offered him the pack and he quickly shook his head.

Dean's features softened. "Oh that's right, you don't smoke." He laughed nervously and for some reason that made Sebastian feel relieved, although he didn't know why.

"Did you get out easy enough?" Dean said again and Sebastian realized he wasn't really making any effort to converse.

"Yeah they go to sleep early enough and they'd never in their life expect me to sneak out." He admitted, feeling a slight pang of guilt.

Dean nodded absentmindedly, adjusting himself in the seat so that he had eye contact with him, it unsettled Sebastian but at the same time he felt exhilarated.

Dean tossed him a lazy grin and leaned towards him, a light illuminated behind them, they paid it no heed as other cars had passed them out. Sebastian didn't notice as this one slowed down, he noticed something odd in corner of his eye as something flashed.

Laughing echoed.

"What do we have here?"

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