Chapter 8

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Angie slammed her locker door closed, just as the bell rang behind her. She was running late his morning, her alarm clock failed to keep her up and the pent up anxiety over Sebastian wasn't helping. She wasn't one who was capable of expressing her feelings very easily, they tended to come out through angry outburst.

She knew it would only hurt people but she could hardly see straight. It made her so angry to through of what Sebastian had to go through and that he chose to do it alone.

She made her through the now empty hallways, taking her leisurely time. Her footsteps fell in a comfortable pattern as they moved one on front of the other.

Finally, she pushed open the door of her French class and immediately was succumbed to the teacher's glare.

"Why are you late?" She spat and Angie couldn't help but role her eyes. This teacher had a problem with everything she did, especially since she put her on comparison with her French buddy, Sebastian. Keeping mind that he could speak French fluently and she still couldn't string a sentence together without fumbling over it.

She shrugged carelessly, as the teacher narrowed her eyes at her.

"Fine, sit up there." She motioned towards one of the front seats and Angie strolled over to sit down.

The teacher was going through the nights previous homework. Angie, although school may not have been her favorite subject, always did the work. She valued education.

The clock ticked by and she waited for the distinctive click to echo throughout the room.

The door opened softly and the principal stepped inside. Everyone stayed quiet as the dark bags underneath his eyes were very present.

"I have an announcement to make."

She stared up at him with a half bored expression, letting her eyes fall over his face. He seemed tired this morning, his eyes puffy from a sleepless night I guessed.

"Last night, a boy was found dead by Blackthorne river."

The class fell silent, a mutual shock fell across the room and she swore she could almost hear a pin drop as he opened his mouth again. He almost looked like he was in physical pain as he forced the words form his mouth.

"That boy was Sebastian Goddard."

Angie didn't know what she had expected, an audible gasp? People to drop to the ground and start sobbing?

But not the deafening silence that followed.

She repeated his words in her head again and again, trying to find some meaning in them. It couldn't be true, Sebastian dead?
One of her best friends had just died? How could she possibly comprehend that.

She put her head between her hands, as she felt shock implode her body. A feeling she couldn't describe ran through her violently, shaking her to the core.

Her eyes stung as if she were going to cry but she didn't feel inclined to cry at all. Was there something wrong with her? Her best friend was dead and she couldn't cry.

Suddenly, her stomach started trying to crawl up her throat and she felt a horrible nausea overtake her. She stood up unsteadily and moved towards the door.

"Angie!" Snapped the teacher but she saw the principal wave her off as Angie stumbled out of the door. The floor beneath her spun as she walked.

One foot on front of the other.

But it seemed like her feet began to merge together as tears began to form in her eyes. She didn't even realize she was crying until she saw the droplets fall onto the cold tiled floor.

She made it to the girls bathroom and pushed past the only girl in there, she received a harsh glance in response but it didn't even register in her mind as she dropped down on her knees and heaved up everything that was in her stomach.

The tears came violently now, racking her body as she shook uncontrollably. Her hands tried to keep a steady grip because her body felt so weak.

Finally she pulled back and leaned against the bathroom stall. There was nothing, no chatter, no clock that ticked by, just the horrible silence that ate at her.

Minutes passed slowly and her vision started to distort, she almost forgot where she was.

Finally, the door pushed open and she saw Dalia patter in, her eyes closing in on Angie as she made her way over and sat opposite of her.

Angie saw, with a weird relief that her Dalia had been crying too, as she shot her a sad smile. They were both drained of energy.

Dalia sat there for a while and said nothing before she finally spoke up.

"Remember in fifth grade when Sebastian moved here and people were so completely entranced with his accent, the fawned over him like a puppy."

She didn't answer.

"He seemed so scared. Everything around him was different and new and his English wasn't great at that time."


"Then we became his friends and Summer Came. The four of us climbed up the hill with our sleeping bags and torches and had decided to sleep there. We hadn't told our parents of course. Remember how excited he was when he saw the sunset? His eyes shone magnificently, a burning gold that I'll never forget. The sunset that day was so beautiful, it took over the entire sky and painted it in streaks of cerise and auburn. I think he would of stayed and watch that sky for hours. Then night fell and the fireflies came out and buzzed around our heads and he seemed so happy, like it was a memory he'd never forget."

Angie felt her throat going dry as she offered a hoarse response. "I remember."

"He was a happy person most of the time." Luka offered as he joined our little circle on the bathroom floor and that statement for some reason solidified what nobody had wanted to say.

That Sebastian had died by his own hand.

They stayed there for who knows how long, People came in and out and tossed them curious looks but they were so absorbed in their memories they didn't notice.

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