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Well there you have it, you have reached the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed it!!! I didn't put any author notes in the book because to be completely honest I'm not really that focused on reads/votes right now. I mean if you could that would be amazing (lol) but I did this because I loved doing it and because it came out of nowhere and developed on its own. The characters came together so easily. It's by no means perfect but I love it. It's quirky and sad and real, but also beautiful and happy and nostalgic. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I liked writing it.

Also if you'd like to leave me a comment at the end of the book I'd really appreciate that! Reading them always makes my day! I love knowing that other people actually like what I write.

You could comment your favorite character of your favorite scene/moment in the book. I LOVE reading them comments!! And I read every comment :D

Anywho, thanks for hoppin' on the bandwagon and giving this book a chance.

Until we meet again. :)

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