Chapter 14

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"Well I've to plan a funeral." I stated Wednesday morning, and almost immediately Angie's eyes snapped towards me.

"What?" She breathed.

Luka gaped at me. "I know where you're coming from Dalia but we don't have the right to do that.. I mean I think."

Angie slammed her fist down, earning glances from the class who turned in shock. The French teacher stopped mid sentence and directed her steely gaze at her.

"Oh, bite me." She remarked. I rolled my eyes as she turned to me again with her eyes alight with a newfound excitement.

"What's the plan? Do you even have a plan? Wait, where did this come from?" She pondered aloud and I felt myself grow irritated.

"No, you two dimwits. I spoke to Sebastian's mom yesterday."

This time, they both fell legitimately quiet.

"She said she still views him as a son, that disowning Sebastian was only the conscious choice of her husband. She wants to hold his funeral and asked for help inviting the people who really cared for him."

I anxiously awaited a response. To be completely honest, I was hoping that these two would help me out here.

"That's nice of her to ask." Luka said softly at last and Angie hesitantly agreed.

"Well, who else besides us?" She added hastily, her tone leaking into something darker. She clenched her fists and I caught her line of sight.

"Think about the people who loved him, he was popular here. Everyone loved Sebastian ... you know before.." Luka trailed off towards the end of her sentence as I stoically stared at the back of Jaxon's head. I noticed his hand was still bandaged from that night, I wonder how badly Dean had hurt him. I kind of hoped he had broken it.

"We can't invite the whole damn school." Angie snapped and I tore my eyes away as Luka shrank down in her seat.

"I don't think that's what she was implying Angie." I said and she huffed looking away.

"Dean and Clint? And his friends from the foreign culture club?" I suggested and Luka merely shrugged.

"Cmon guys, I need your help with this."

"He was in foreign culture club?" Angie questioned. "I didn't even know they existed."

"Of course they do!" Luka snapped, narrowing her eyes at Angie dangerously. "You must not know much about him after all."

I held my breath, starring at Luka in apprehension.

"Luka..." I warned and she quickly turned to me.

"What? We have to accept all the backlash of her comments and the second we say anything it's out of line?" She snapped and I exhaled, feeling my nerves skyrocket as I tried to stay calm.

"That's what you think huh? I just run my mouth all the damn time? Well fine, you won't have to worry about that anymore." Angie snapped and turned around to her own desk, leaving us in silence.

The bell rang and she quickly slipped out of her seat and stomped on ahead. I exhaled quietly, as Luka went the other way to blow off some steam.


Nobody showed up at the art room today, it was empty. And with that emptiness there was a horrible gut wrenching atmosphere. I plopped my bag onto the table and groaned.

"Tough day?" Mused Allen, who was at his desk. Sometimes he stayed during lunch, sometimes not. He'd stay with Sebastian sometimes who would work through lunch on his art-pieces, they got along so well. That was a reminder to add Allen to the people going to the funeral.

"You could say that." I answered truthfully as he slid out of his chair and sat opposite of my table. He was quiet for a few seconds before speaking.

"Are you okay, Dalia?"

My head snapped up in surprise and I let out a nervous laugh.

"I'm not sure what you're..."

"I know my students Dalia." He reasoned, giving me a small half smile. "I know who you used to be, and I'm worried that you just lost one of your best friends, it's hard to deal with emotionally."

I gulped. "I'm dealing."

"There's this organization in Bellbourne, the next town over. They help people who have lost friends or family and give you strategies to deal with grief. Groups of friends tend to fall apart after something like this, I don't want that to happen to you guys. I spoke to the principle, he agreed that it would be a good idea to let you guys go. There's already a group in school that goes weekly."

I raised my eyebrow. "There is?"

He nodded. "Do you think it would be something you'd be interested in?" He asked and I nodded my head meekly.

He tossed me a smile, before leaving me in peace. I laid my head on the cool surface of the table and sighed deeply.


The final bell of the day rang and I hastily made my way out of the school, only to see rain beating down on the sidewalk. It didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon, I sighed, tossing another look out before I headed up to my locker. Maybe if I killed a bit of time I wouldn't be caught out in it. My car was on the opposite side of the lot and I really didn't want to chance it.

I opened my locker in apprehension, as I noticed Angie at her locker just beside me. She didn't spare me a glance, her eyes solely trained on front of her in anger. I sighed, turning back to my own books.

"Was I.. was I out of line?" She finally asked, her voice timid and shaky, just audible over the rain hitting the roof.

I looked at her in surprise, and my hands began to sweat. What was I suppose to all her? I couldn't side with either of them, they were both my best friends and they both had valid points.

"I think everyone is in a fragile mind state after what happened." I almost didn't want to hear his name, lately that's all I've been hearing.

She nodded solemnly, not reflecting on how I dodged the question and I sighed in relief.

"You weren't out of line, I blew up. It's my fault."

I held my copy in my hand, turning to where Luka stood with her eyes facing the floor. She seemed nervous as she anxiously fidgeted with her fingers.

"No, you were right. I have the tendency of speaking without thinking and I didn't even consider how it hurts people. Especially you guys, my best friends. I'm sorry." Angie replied, holding her gaze.

Silently, tears began to form in Luka's eyes and I knew she was trying not to cry.

"You're not supposed to cry now. We just made up." Angie laughed and Luka returned it, her eyes glinting with ease.

"I know I'm just so relieved," she choked and I smiled at her in understanding.

"We still have to put together a list of people, would you like to go for something to eat and we can work on it?" Angie suggested and I nodded tentatively.

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