Chapter 16

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It was like waiting for the pin to drop, Luka was on edge the second she pushed open the large school doors. They were covered in a deep moss green that she knew she would always associate with school.

She was anxious that Angie would jump down Dean's throat and demand the truth.  She's not the most quiet person, she's the kind of person to speak impulsively and push her way to what she wanted. That said, she wasn't a bad person. Luka knew this from the years she had been her friend. Yet, she feared what today would bring, more fighting in the midst of trying to deal with Sebastian's death?

She noticed that Dalia had come to school today, thankfully. She stood alone by her locker, pulling out her biology folder. Luka mentally swore, she had completely forgotten about the test today, it was a big one too. She clenched her fists, panic running through her as she offered Dalia a smile.

Her friend turned to her, offering her a small tired smile in return.

"So, have you sorted out the people you're telling about Sebastian's funeral?" Luka asked. Of course, it was an open thing, anyone could arrive but it had not been disclosed, Sebastian's mother had decided to keep it very private so that meant it was left up to Dalia to personally tell people if they wanted to come, that wasn't to say that everyone would.

"Yeah, I think so. I've told Dean. I still have to tell Allen and the people from his foreign culture club."

Luka nodded tenderly, as Dalia pulled out her biology folder.

"You ready for that test."

Luka gave her a crooked grin, "Yeah, of course."


Luka's heart hammered in her chest, her lungs burned with an empty feeling as she sat anxiously. Her Chemistry test  result was placed on top of her table and she eyed it in disdain, panic seeping through her veins.

Fifty two percent. She couldn't breath, she struggled to keep the tears from leaking down her face as she trained her eyes on the number.

"Can you stay back after class?" Mr Simmons, her chemistry teacher asked kindly and she nodded.

She quickly flipped through her test, it was no surprise she hadn't done well. She hadn't spared that chapter a second glance, she knew that had an upcoming test but she just couldn't make herself do it, it was almost compulsive, a barrier that stopped her, fear? But that wouldn't make any sense, she'd never scored any lower than an A before and now she was barely scraping a pass?

The bell rang and begrudgingly Luka walked to the front of the class with her head down, before stopping at his desk. She heard a sigh echo and he spoke.

"What's going on Luka? You're one of my best students, this isn't like you. You didn't hand in yesterday's homework either and I've found out that this is common in other classes too. You're beginning to ruin your future! None of the ivy schools will accept these kind of results."

She nodded somberly, and stared at her white tennis shoes as he let out an exaggerated sigh.

"I've spoken with your other teachers and we think it's a good idea if you're tutored by a like-minded student. Maybe they can reinstall the passion and determination that is required if you want to get into the schools you're looking at."

Her head snapped up in shock and she let out a small breath. "What?"

He shrugged in defeat. "Otherwise you're looking at dropping down because you won't be able to stay in AP classes anymore."

She looked away, pursing her lips. The sun  decided to disappear behind the clouds at that moment, covering the room in a dark grey.

"Who is it?" She finally asked at last, staring at him.

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