Chapter two

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Sebastian pulled back in horror, the same emotion portrayed in the other boy's eyes along with a heavy panic. Sebastian thought he might have understood what it would be like to be a soldier in that second with the fear that rushed though him. His mind screamed at him, in waves, violent crashes that begged him to do something, anything. To put to use the adrenaline that coursed through his veins despite his inability to use it. He was frozen, his legs felt like lead, his mind dulled to a hazy fog. He let out a cool, distilled breath. He thought Dean would lash out, reach across into the car and grab the phone but instead his counterpart steadied his breath and gave a hearty laugh.

"What are you doing guys?"

Sebastian's eyes went as wide as saucers at Dean's nonchalant reaction, he seemed so relaxed then, his arm strewn out of the open window. The other car's headlights basked them in a dull glow and he turned his head to a side away from the car.

"Don't bother French boy, we know it's you." Came a hefty response as a course of laughing echoed.

"Guys, come on. You know he's not out yet." Dean barked and Sebastian's heart swelled with pride that he wasn't mocking him too.

"The prissy catholic boy? What a surprise there! I wonder what mommy will think about this picture?" The laugh that followed that comment made him sick to the stomach. His lungs empty and burning as he tried to piece together the situation. He wanted to do something, to move, to speak up. He wished in that moment he could've puckered up the courage to exceed his fear.

But it wasn't him who acted. Dean slammed the door open, getting out of the car. He reached past the driver who still had the picture opened on his phone to the guy in the passenger seat who had made the crude comment. Dean grabbed his collar and yanked his body forward, until his torso was awkwardly leaning against the driver, his head sticking out of the window at an odd angle.

"You want to repeat that?" Came Dean's icy threat. I could see the guy's eyes light up with fear but he quickly shook himself out of Dean's hold, laughing nervously.

"I don't get what the big deal is Dean. It's not like he's the only stray gay boy you've got at your beck and call." Sebastian felt tears starting to gather at his eyes. He'd suspected that but all these comments and the tension in the air was becoming unbearable for him.

"Delete the picture Andy." He hissed at the driver who held his hands up in defense.

"No problem dude, it was only a joke. We didn't know you were so serious about this guy."

The phone was held up and the other guy took the chance to grab it from him.

"Yeah calm down Dean, it's only a joke."

I watched in horror as he opened the Instagram app, cackling. Dean made a strange gurgling noise in the back of his throat almost as if he didn't believe it either.

"A joke the rest of the school should see." He added.

"Stop, please! My mother, if she finds out.." Sebastian cried out, hoping the guy held some empathy.

"How will she find out? It's on instagram not a religious group chat."

His thumb hovered above the button to make it visible to the public and he gave Dean a final glance.

"Sorry man, karma is a bitch."

Sebastian knew then, it was nothing he had done. It was something Dean had done that he was not aware of, but now he was caught in the mess as he was the method to hurt Dean.

Dean's jaw slacked as he walked around the side of the car slowly, Sebastian could see it in the way he walked and apparently, so could the other guy who opened his door to run for it. He threw open his door only for Dean to slam it on his fingers, which warranted a hellish scream. Dean didn't even react, he pulled open the door again and Sebastian felt nauseous seeing his fingers bruised, the distinctive sound of his fingers breaking filtered through his mind.

He grabbed the guy by the collar and drove his fist into his face. Sebastian could only watch in horror and awe as this became a repeated process. Blood began to trickle down the guy's face, running into his eyes.

Sebastian stumbled out of the car and over to Dean who was still hitting the guy as hard as he could. Sebastian lay a hand on his shoulder.

"Stop it Dean, you'll kill him."

"That's what I'm going for." Came his gruff response as he finally dealt the last blow and the guy collapsed in a heap on the floor. He wailed in pain but was offered a mere look of contempt. Dean wanted to hit him again, his anger was bubbling up, his patience at its breaking-point.

Sebastian's mind finally remember the picture and he dove for the phone, his eyes lit up in horror. The picture had already been viewed by 78 people. He felt bile rising in his stomach as Dean leaned over his shoulder to check.

"Shit. It's been screenshotted by now."

Sebastian felt his whole world shatter in that moment. He didn't want this, he didn't want people to know.

His panicked eyes met Dean's once more he gazed at him with such pain he momentarily forgot where he was. They held such an intense regret, it ran through him, leaving him feeling empty, void of emotion. He couldn't exempt the energy to care anymore.

Dean took the phone from him and deleted the picture hastily. They both knew though that it wasn't the end of the story.

He turned back to the driver who was frozen, and said.

"You can deal with him, and as for your fucking phone?" He threw it on the ground and Sebastian watched as the screen shattered, before he stepped on it for good measure. The guy didn't even speak.

He stumbled back the way he came and heard Dean's voice behind him but he ignored it and kept walking back to his house. One foot in front of the other, they pattered in a distinctive echo that blocked out the sounds behind him, which fell on deaf ears, they seeped into the air and fell short behind him. He couldn't hear anything.

Woooo three readers!!
Hello to you guys!

Hope you enjoyed

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