Chapter 10

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Danny looked up in shock.

The yell echoed through the school again. "CHLOE."

All the kids in his gym class quickly scattered. Suddenly the ground rumbled and a foot stepped on the court, completely pulverizing the basquetball net.

Everyone screamed and tried to get away from the giant boy now trampling over their school.

Danny found himself hiding behind the stands. He tried to look in between the chairs and see if he could see Chloe anywhere.

Some heavy breathing was heard a little ways next to him and he turned to see the girl. "Chloe," he hissed. "What are you doing. Get outa here!" He ran over to her to see her pale as a ghost and on the ground.

She looked at him in fear. Then her face morphed to give way for some anger. "What do you think I'm trying to do!"

"Is there a way out around here?"

"Not here." She pointed. "The door is on the other side of the gym."

Danny cursed when he realized they would have to get through the giant akuma to get there. He was relieved to see other students had gotten out safely or where in a hiding spot.

Chloe took out her cellphone. "I'll call my daddy."

Danny waited before seeing her face go from impatient to downcast. His hearing picked up a voicemail. He saw her eyes water as she turned it off.

"He's not coming, is he?"

She angrily blinked the tears away. "He would. He's just busy. He's the mayor after all."

Danny snorted in disbelief.

"Besides," she continued. "Ladybug and Chat Noir will save me."

Suddenly the stands they were hiding under where lifted and the large face of a boy peeked in. He grinned when he spotted his target.

Danny's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed Chloe's hand and ran out of there, Chloe screaming behind him. She was surprisingly fast but not fast enough to keep up with Danny's super speed. He halfdragged her away from the approaching giant.

Something slammed right next to him and Danny jumped away. The ground trembled making the two fall.

Danny quickly scrambled up. He picked Chloe up and slung her over his shoulder. She held tight onto his shirt and gasped. "Watch out!!"

"Where do you think you're going," the giant reached down to grab them both. You know how they say that when something is big, it's also very slow. This one isn't. Danny could almost even say it moved faster than a normal human being.

Before he could react he and Chloe were engulfed by a large hand and lifted.

Danny was awkwardly crushed with the blonde before the palm opened.

The akuma scrunched his nose when he saw Danny. "I don't need you." He tried to grab him with his other hand but Danny kicked it away.

"Too bad," Danny ground out and held an arm out in front of a shocked Chloe. "It's all or nothing, buddy. Stay away from her."

The boy scrunched his eyebrows as if this confused him greatly.

Suddenly a yell was heard. Danny turned his head to see Ladybug swinging her way towards them. He smiled in relief.

But in his distraction the akuma grabbed him between his fingers and threw him away hard.

Danny heard Chloe's scream as his world turned in a whirlwind of pictures. He was very disoriented but he knew he would hit the ground soon and it wouldn't be pretty.

He clenched his teeth when something wrapped around his middle and he was yanked out of his fall. Someone held him in their arms and Danny opened his eyes. He grinned when he saw Marinette in her costume. "Took you long enough."

"You're welcome."

They landed by the backdoor and Ladybug pushed Danny out. "Wait!" Danny stopped the door from closing. "What about Chloe?!"

"Chat's got her," she reassured him. "She's safe. Now get away from here, Danny. I know you used to be the superhero but you can't do that now. Get to a safe place."

Danny saw the last of his butterflies flutter through the door and join him and the others that had been trying to keep up with all the events. "Be careful."

Ladybug nodded and stared at him sternly. "Go with the others." She closed the door with a bang.

Danny pursed his lips as he stared at the metal door. His hand twitched. He gave in and rushed forward to open it.

It was a mess inside. The akuma had destroyed all kinds of things and was battling the two superheros.

Danny's eyes flitted around until he barely spotted a mop of blonde disappear through the stairs and making her way to the main entrance.

He grinned and closed the door.

Awwww. Betya Chloe is starting to warm up to him. Dannys hero complex wont let anyone get hurt

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