Chapter 41

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Master Fu had his hands clasped before him as he stared at a nervous Gabriel Agreste in front of him.

"So. You're the cause of all our problems."

Gabriel winced a bit.

Fu narrowed his eyes a bit more at the man and then turned them to Ladybug, Chat Noir and Danny who were standing next to them and watching intently. "Does anyone else know?"

Ladybug shook her head. "Unless someone noticed the broken window that leads to his lair, but they'll only find an empty room and they'll have to get past the large fence first."

"Someone who's weird enough to be awake right now might have seen him come in here but they probably won't recognize him." Adrien added on. He was looking at Wayzz curiously, having already been introduced. "And we sneaked in through the back."

It had been a whole ordeal to get Danny and all the butterflies in without others noticing. Especially now that it had gotten so dark. It was past midnight and the glowing cloud of butterflies were more than visible.

Danny had to say the butterflies were easier to deal with now. Something you probably wouldn't expect since there were so many more now. But they were much calmer than before. Parting before him, almost as if reading his thoughts. Danny wondered why they still followed him. He had taken the butterfly clip off and the energy inside his core was gone for all he knew. Or his body must've just gotten used to it suddenly. There was at least something different there. He couldn't remember how it felt before the energy of the miraculous had entered there and made itself at home.

Danny had absently wondered what would happen to the butterflies once Nooroo returned to his own species.

Master Fu nodded, satisfied with Adrien's response. He shared a glance with Wayzz and saw the hopeful look he was giving him. "Nooroo hasn't come out of his miraculous. And your butterfly army has doubled." He stroked the miraculous he was holding under his finger and looked up at Danny suspisciously. "What happened?"

Danny shifted his feet and looked down. He grinned nervously. "Well uh. He transformed me. To save me, you know. Cuz, long story, I was dying, but it was because of his powers and he saved me. I thought I- I mean it's a really powerful thing, like his prized possession. And I didn't want to force him to- He used it to safe me so I didn't want to make him stay with me cause he already has so much bad experience with being the servant of someone so I asked him if I should take the miraculous off and give it to you and he said yeah and here you go."

Master Fu held the miraculous tighter. "I know you meant well, Danny. But Nooroo might think you don't want him. That you rejected him."

Danny looked shocked. "But I didn't."

"Yes, I know. Nooroo has been mistreated lately." He didn't look at Gabriel but the undertone of bitterness was clearly visible.

Gabriel took a breath. "About that. I have-"

"We are not discussing you yet, Agreste." Master Fu didn't even look up at him as he continued to talk to Danny. He handed the butterfly back to the boy. "He won't be able to come out until someone summons him or unless he's been taken from his holder unintentionally." He gave as an explanation and Danny took it with hesitation.

He'd noticed that the brooch had transformed a bit from a clothing brooch to a hairclip which made it so much easier to put it back in. There was a light and not a moment later did the purple kwami fly out into the open.

He looked around and saw Fu. He froze, not being able to believe his eyes. The man had grown a lot older, but he still recognized him. He was back. Back with the keeper. He saw Wayzz, who was slowly floating closer to him.

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