Chapter 30

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Yas thirty chaps. It's probably gonna be till fifty or smth...

Danny hummed a tune to calm himself down as he tred through the streets. He had his headphones on so it could block out the sounds around him and he could concentrate on his core.

This was the third time since the kidnapping that he'd skipped class to walk around town.

Speaking of, when he'd gotten back everyone in school had tackled him like rugby players. It had been hours since he's been kidnapped at the time and it had had a lot of people worried. Half the school had found out and along with that his parents, who'd organized a search party for him in their panic. They had even been equiped with their new weapons meant for these supervillains, which they would gladly use if they could protect their boy. Danny could guess he didn't have his protective nature from thin air. What a shocker.

His parents had been so relieved to see him and asked him millions of times if he was ok. He'd told them he was fine and hadn't been hurt, of course. No need to flash his scars out when they were worried enough.

However, even after his reassurances, they continued to be awkward around him and ask him how he was feeling. He was almost sure it had also happened before the kidnapping but his memory was honestly a little shit so he assumed it hadn't.

The guy that had kidnapped him had looked for him the next day and apologized quickly before running away. Danny took it, though. He was happy enough the other had swallowed his pride and said sorry to him in public and up front.

Now, Hawkmoth didn't send anymore akumas to the school, which was a relief to both the students and the students' parents, but that didn't mean he didn't send any at all.

Danny had flown a bit farther away to the other side of the city to check if Hawkbutt had changed his perception towards this place. The boy had been paying more and more attention to his ghostly 'heart'. He was trying incredibly hard to widen his Papisense, as he called whatever he used to feel the close akumas.

All these senses were really saving his ass more than once. It was simultaneously his most loved and hated power.

He hummed to the song of Michael Jackson Beat It as he bounced down the sidewalk. He had a strange liking to 80's music, something his fellow peers couldn't understand.

Meanwhile, the thoughts flying around in his head were getting restless. That guy really had no sense of moral rights, did he.

Did that conversation they had had mean nothing? Did that guy even leave his probably underground lair? Did he ever?

Introvert villains were certainly a force to be reckoned with.

Finally something happened. Danny almost missed it because of his heated thoughts, but a little bell rang in his head. It shook him awake and made him whip his head around.

He startled a few pedestrians by taking off running. He skidded past a few blocks, letting pure instinct drive him. This proved to be a mistake when he was nearly hit by a car after he had ignored the red light of pedestrians and gone sprinting right into traffic. However, he made it to the other side and kept running.

Then he saw it. His vision had completely zoomed in on the small malevolent insect flapping towards a young man slouching against the wall and reading something on his phone with blank eyes.

Danny's hands immediately went to his pocket before he was reminded that his mom had thrown that jacket in the laundry and he had forgotten to stash pencils in this hoodie.

He looked around frantically and grabbed the first thing closest to his hand and threw it. He cursed when he realized that had been his headphones and desperately hoped it would miss. It didn't.

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