Chapter 42

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"-we may never know the identity of the villain who previously terrorized the city, but what we do know is that a new era has begun. As was addressed by the local superheros: Ladybug and Chat Noir. Who revealed the defeat of this villain earlier this week. This was made through an exclusive interview that quickly spread through the internet like wildfire. It seems like our very own Garçon Papillon had teamed up with the heros in an elaborate plan to take down Hawkmoth. And succeeded."

"I wouldn't say that too quickly, Nadia. We can't be completely sure it's over yet."

"Surely we can trust our heros?"

"All we know is Hawkmoth hasn't shown his face and there have been no Akuma sightings. Where is he? What happened to him? What did the heroes do?"

"Hawkmoth may not have shown himself, Philip. But Garçon Papillon, or Danny Fenton, his real name, has provided us with enough shocking evidence of Hawkmoth's end. More information on the miraculouses has been disclosed. Mr. Fenton has shown to now be in possession of the Hawkmoth miraculous."

"The butterfly miraculous, Nadia. I wouldn't make that mistake in front of Danny. He was very adamant of the creature that seems to be attached to the miraculous." He brought up an image of a black haired boy that was glaring at some microfones that were being shoved in his face. "For some unexplained reason, it is impossible to catch these creatures on camera, which has brought a lot of sceptisits forward that call bullshit. I would've found it hard to believe to had I not been there and seen the creature myself."

"Well whatever anyone may believe. He has proof and this may very well be a time for festivities for France."

"Maybe for some, but not for the protestors that clouded the streets on Wednesday and Thursday."

An image of a crowd of adults and teenagers holding signs appeared. Some signs said things like: 'Let Hawkmoth pay' and 'Kwamis are a threat to society', 'Mental health is nothing to laugh at.'

"Neither Ladybug nor Chat Noir showed up to stop it. As they had said in the interview, they had been expecting resistance. However, we have footage of Danny Fenton himself appearing at some point and having a heated discussion with a group that was against the butterfly miraculous still running around free. Police had to intervene to keep a fight from breaking out. The full video and Danny Fenton's speech defending the miraculous can be found on our website."

"Yes. France is certainly split. At least we know we still have our heroes to be there if things get too out of hand."

"In other news, Gabriel Agreste, previous owner of the successful Modeling and Design company, has stepped off and donated a large amount of money to-"

The video cut off and the face of an angry goth appeared on screen. "What the fuck, Danny! You said you were fine!"

Danny laughed as he looked into the Skype chat on his computer. "I was fine!"

"I saw that video of you explaining the whole story." Tucker jumped in, pushing Sam out. "And there were a bunch of links to footage of you joining the dark side too. I mean, I guess now I know it was part of the plan. But that was dangerous! You could've called us and like...we could've asked Johnny to give us a ride. He has a new portal opener. We would been there in an instance, dude!"

Danny's eyes softened. "I couldn't ask that of you. You have your whole life over there. I didn't want to bring you into another mess I got into."

"We've done it before," Sam frowned. "We would drop everything to come. In fact," suddenly two slips of paper covered the screen, "I bought us plane tickets."

Danny's eyes widened. "What- you don't have to. You've got school-"

"We'll be there by tomorrow," Tucker said. "Besides, I really want to meet the new heroes you made friends with. And I wanna see how you live and everything. And you better introduce me to that new ghost you befriended."

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