Chapter 22

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Class had started for a while now. Everyone was quietly working on their own things. The teacher had given them some time at the end of class to work on their homework with the condition that they do it quietly. So apart from some whispers here and there, it was relatively silent.

Until they were interrupted by highpitched screaming.

Nobody jumped, everyone used to sudden yelling, but they did look around in confusion, trying to pinpoint the source.

Slowly, the screaming got closer and they could hear some actual words. The class watched in utter confusion as a small boy ran in their hallway past their classroom screaming "Papillon Garcon" at the top of his lungs.

Nino blinked in surprise before scrambling up and opening the door. "He's here!"

"What?! Really!!" The kid turned around and appeared in their door opening. He looked around the class frantically, but his eyes landed almost inmediately on the one black haired kid surrounded by white glowing butterflies. His terror dropped to make way for awe. "Oh wow. It is you. I can't believe I'm actually meeting you. Wow."

Danny raised an eyebrow, slightly uncomfortable by his apparent fan. "Ha. Yeah. That's me. Is- is there something you need?"

"You must have some reason to interrupt my class." The teacher grumbled.

The kid's terror returned and his eyes darted out of the classroom as if to check that nothing was there. "I came to warn you! My friend has been akumatized. And he's looking for you!!"

The class was silent and they exchanged glances at each other. Meanwhile, Danny straightened. "Why is he looking for me?"

"He was angry because you don't get akumatized and his girlfriend did, which ended in them breaking up, and now he's out to get you."

Danny stood up with a frown. "Is he hurting anyone?" He wasn't going to let anyone get hurt because of him.

Before he could do anything else, however, Alya jumped on her seat and yelled. "Execute Plan 4!"

All students jumped into action. Danny was suddenly grabbed and slung over Ivan's shoulder as Alix and Nino looked outside the door at the hallway. Max excused themselves to the teacher saying they would be ditching class for awhile. She nodded in complete understanding.

Nino gave them a thumbs up and the class passed the excited boy and exited the classroom.

"Hey!" Danny exclaimed with a yelp. "What is going on! Put me down."

He started struggling, but Ivan mantained a good grip on him as he ran down the hallway. "Sorry for this, Danny."

"What are you doing!?"

Rose smiled as she ran behind Ivan. "We're not letting you get into trouble with an Akuma again. Especially not with you being the target. We're getting you out of here."

"What??" Danny's eyes widened in realization and he renewed his efforts to make the large boy drop him. "No! Let me go! I can take care of myself!!" He caught Marinette's eye as she winked at him and ran in the other direction. He gasped with a feeling of betrayal and was about to voice his protests when he was rudely interrupted.

Ivan brought his left hand back to push Danny's head to his back, taking care to give him enough space to breathe, but effectively muffling his screaming. His other hand was holding the small boy's legs still. "Shhh. He'll hear us."

"Hurry up," Chloe ordered as she walked next to them. "A slug could win a race with you guys." The rest ignored her in favor of glancing around. Ever since that talk Danny had had with her, which by now everyone knew about even though they didn't know exactly what he'd said, Chloe had stopped bullying others into respecting her. She wasn't completely nice to everyone, but she had cut off on the rude comments, which had the others very relieved. She also very obviously had a soft spot for Danny. Almost just like the one she had with Sabrina. They were seen talking to each other sometimes.

Kim ran ahead since he was their fastest classmate. He gestured wildly towards them. "The main entrance is right around the corner. Come on!"

They weren't sure wether it was a good or bad thing that the school hadn't turned on any alarms about a student being akumatized, but they were just incredibly relieved to have made it outside.

Alix smirked widely at Danny who still had his face shoved against Ivan's back and was trying to get his hands under himself to push off. "Awesome. I've always wanted to kidnap someone."

"This is not a kidnapping," Mylene reminded her, her face creased with worry. "We all know that if we don't do something, he's going to throw himself headfirst into danger."

They were just decending the stairs as someone spoke up. "That would make all of this so much easier."

The class froze midstep to see someone before them, with arms crossed and a giant smirk on his face. He was dressed in an extravagant outfit that left no doubt in the teens' minds that this was an akuma. He was standing in the shadow of a tree on the other side of the road. With the black clothing he seemed to blend into the darkness.

The akumatized person wasn't beating around the bush. He held out his hand and said almost mockingly. "Hand over the little Papillon."

Danny picked up on the tension and was able to peak through Ivan's side at the offending person. "Hey! You stay away from them! Hawkmoth, what the heck do you want." He knew the fruitloop must have some sort of ulterior move in this. Fruitloops always did.

The villains face was masked by a butterfly and he frowned. "Drop the boy," he growled.

The class clenched their fists and clustered around Danny and Ivan.

"You'll have to get through us first," Sabrina yelled fiercily.

Suprisingly the akuma's smirk widened and he looked incredibly smug. "You might have just made it possible." And he disappeared.

There was a second of tense silence as the people looked around to where he could have gone when something materialized out of the shadows the close bodies were creating. The shadows made way to show a fist that punched Ivan off balance and made him lose his hold on Danny.

There was a lot of ruckus as the students noticed a body following the fist. Before they could react, however, the akuma snatched Danny and threw him across the street.

Ladybug barely made it to the scene to hear the multiple cries of her friends and one body flying away from the school entrance. Her eyes widened as she swung in to catch him.

She would've.

But right before he hit the ground the shadows wrapped around him and swallowed him whole, leaving his many butterflies and friends behind.

Yeah. Finally some action. haha.
You guys know they would totaly do this. Or maybe they wouldn't but whatever.

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