Chapter 14

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"Alright." Danny dropped a pile of paper on the lunch table. "On each paper there's my cellphone number, address and a few tips on what to do in different situations. Each of you will get one." He looked up at the crowd of students around the lunchtable. "Keep it with you at all times, unless you've memorized it. Then pass it on to someone else."

"Isn't this a little excessive?" Alya frowned at the paper.

"No," Danny responded. "We need to be prepared."

"I think this is a good idea," Adrien smiled. "People will know who to go to and where the help is. You should add your schedule for in between classes."

Danny gasped and wrote that down to add later.

"How difficult can it be," Kim snorted. "That swarm of butterflies that follows you around is kinda hard to miss."

"But they don't know my number and address. And they can hardly look into each classroom of the school. Besides, I can't go running around for every single person who thinks their friend might get akumasizesed."

"It's called akumatized," Marinette corrected. "But this is a good idea. These tips: 'If the person angry, don't tell them to calm down or warn them about what would happen if they stayed angry. Be simpathetic and show them a different way to look at a problem or try to help them. Talk calmly but not like you know more than them.' These tips are great. We should make more of these and spread them around."

Ivan slowly raised his finger. "I um. Someone told me that it helps to carry a little ball around and squeeze it when you get angry."

Kim smirked. "Was it from your anger management therapist."

Ivan frowned. "Yes."

"Good idea!" Danny interrupted. "Can you tell me more tips like that? You know what. All of you write down a list of things on how to have some healthy control on your emotions and give them to me. I'll check them and ask my sister about them (trust me, we want her second opinion) and put them all on paper so we can pass them around."

Adrien slammed his hands on the table, getting excited that they were finally doing something more for this city. "We can hang them up around the city so people can read them."


Danny's excitement was contagious and his motivation convinced them that this was what their town needed.

However, Marinette stepped up to point out the practical things. "Let's start small. We can make pamphlets and ask Mr. Damocles if we can pass them around in the school."

Alya nodded. "Good idea, girl. I'll take these home and ask around about what people think we should do about the whole Hawkmoth deal. We should stop letting Ladybug and Chat Noir do all the work. It's time to step up and do our part."

The students cheered.

A blonde girl named Colette pointed at Alya. "You should intervieuw them and spread awareness with your blog."

"No," Nathaniel shook his head. "The Ladyblog is different. It's about the superheros. This is about our own take. We can't combine them. We should make a website. Maybe another blog, I don't know."

Alya pressed her lips together as she thought. "You're right. That would be better. I'll make one later. Can anyone else help me?"

A few hands raised and they exchanged numbers.

And so the Hawkmoth rebellion took shape.

Danny had never been so proud.

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