Chapter 11

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Chat is so cute asdbjfxdjkb

A few days later we see everyone sitting down for lunch.

Rose was animatedly talking to Juleka in her usual peppy way and Juleka smiled back at her.

Rose then felt a ring in her pocket and she brought out her phone. Smiling she unlocked it and glanced at the message she got. Her eyes widened and she reread it, hoping against hope she had read it incorrectly.

"What's wrong?" Juleka inspected her best friend's face with worry. "Rose?"

"It's Snooze." Rose said. Snooze was one of her rabbits. The oldest one and one Rose was very fond of. "He's been run over."

Juleka gasped. "Is he ok?"

Rose shook her head slowly and read the message again. She covered her mouth and her answer was muffled. "He's dead."

"Oh no." Juleka wrapped her arms around Rose as tears spilled from her face.

"It can't be true. It must be a mistake. Maybe they confused him with another." Rose tried to comfort herself. Suddenly her mind went foggy and her vision blurry. A voice echoed in her mind and said softly.

"Hello, Pet Keeper. I am Hawkmoth and I can help you find your pet. All you have to do in return is give me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses."

Rose was filled with doubt, Something in her fought against this.

This is wrong! Go away!

"I can help you bring back Snooze."

At his name Rose's resolve crumbled and as if in a daze she nodded.

Meanwhile Juleka was shaking Rose's shoulders. "No, Rose. Don't listen to him. This is wrong Hawkmoth, don't you dare. Leave her alone. She doesn't deserve this. Go away!"

She yerked back when her friend was engulfed in black. "Oh no." She stumbled back a few steps.

She watched with wide eyes when the goo disappeared to reveal a white Rose with brown specks littering her body. Her hands had formed into claws and her white hair standing up in all directions giving her a wild look.

Akumatized Rose crouched on the ground with a scowl. Tear tracks accentuated her nose and her eyes narrowed in anger and sadness.

"Rose." Juleka held out a trembling hand. "Please calm down, Rose."

Rose fixed her with her eyes and leaned forward a bit. She growled deeply. Then her eyes blinked and she bounded away, out of the school.

A few students had seen this happening and were trying to get out in a panic.

"Danny." Juleka stumbled back. She turned around running. "Danny!!"

It was easy to find him and she threw her arms around him the moment she got close enough.

Danny looked at her in shock but automatically wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to reassure her. "What's wrong? Juleka tell me what happened."

"It's Rose. She's been akumatized."

"No." Danny mumbled. Not Rose. It had happened once already. She didn't need this. Not her. He unconsciously stroked the goth's hair.

Most everyone had found out what happened and they were either glancing around in fear or looking down in sadness. The bell rang and the students slowly started to get to class, hoping Ladybug and Chat Noir would be able to help Rose before she did something she might regret.

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