Chapter 20

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It was lunchtime on the same day and Danny could be found at his usual table. The students around him were chatting away, but the raven-haired boy, instead of joining in, was thinking deeply as he stared at the butterfly that had landed on his sandwich. He didn't fully realize that it was trampling all over his food. His mind was too focused on his ice core and the energy that had settled itself within him.

He'd been in France for almost half a year and had collected a small army of papillons. It had become harder for him to get the akumas before they did any harm because Hawkmoth had started to hold his akumas closer and whenever he did send them, he would mess with people in the other side of the country. Danny was happy Hawkmoth's influence couldn't reach to other countries. Or, at least, he hoped it couldn't. Either way, the dude kept it local. Probably to stay close to the Ladybug and Chat Noir miraculouses, for whatever reason he needed them for. There was one thing he was not happy about, though. He didn't seem to have listened to Danny's rant weeks ago. Danny frowned. He was gonna have to find some akuma and have another talk with the man.

He couldn't help but wonder, though, how did Hawkmoth see when someone was upset. Did he go out on the streets and search for them like a Pokemon trainer or something? Danny decided that was probably not the case. Someone would have noticed him transforming the butterfly. Maybe he just sent an akuma out to search for whoever was enraged or depressed as he sat in his little evil lair. That seemed like a more plausible explanation, given that he'd been told the akumas were attracted by such feelings.

Danny looked up and saw Marinette eating a salad. He remembered Alya's theory and smirked. "Hey, Marinette? Do you always eat salads?"

The girl looked surprised at the random question and looked down at her lunchbox as if seeing it for the first time.

Before she could say anything, Kim spoke up. "Yeah. She's a vegan."

The girl snapped her head up to glare at him. "I'm not a vegan!"

Danny had the feeling they'd had this conversation before when Kim just smiled teasingly. "You sure about that? Since two years ago, I haven't seen you eat one bit of meat and almost only salads."

"I just-" She slumped a bit. "I just don't like meat. Grapes are much better." She popped one in her mouth for emphasis.

Adrien scrunched his nose at the salad as he took another bite of his tuna sandwich. "No. Grapes are toxic. They give me bad stomachaches."

"Oh. I'm sorry." She looked like she felt really bad as she quickly tried to put away her food.

Adrien's eyes widened and he waved his hands. "Doesn't mean you can't like them, Marinette!"

Danny snorted at the flustered couple, trying to appease each other. He put his chin on his palm as he stared at them with an amused smile. Oh, Chat Noir stood no chance. He knew the cat was in love with Ladybug. Or at least, had a crush on her. Everyone did.

The poor guy. He was pretty nice. He liked puns. But then again, so did Adrien. But he was more mischievous and always looked like he had done something stupid but didn't regret it. Adrien was much more contained and obedient.

But then again, Danny didn't know enough of the two of them to judge their character. For all he knew, Chat Noir could be someone like Adrien in civilian form.

Danny's attention was brought to Marinette and his train of thought changed rails. He remembered when he'd had a conversation with Marinette's kwami, Tikki (Danny was still convinced she was a type of ghost he hadn't met until now. There were so many different powers in the ghost realm he wouldn't be surprised of a kind that gave others powers. Besides, Tikki had most basic ghost powers).

Tikki had been asking him many questions and he'd answered them as truthfully as he could. He'd told her about the energy in his core and she'd perked up. She'd told him about the butterfly kwami. Nooroo. Danny had caught himself thinking a lot about the guy, wondering what he would be like and how he felt under Hawkmoth's service.

Tikki had told him Nooroo was the kwami of generosity as she was the kwami of creation. She'd explained how what they represented was seen back in their powers. Danny thought of it like an obsession (seriously. There's no way these things weren't ghosts). Now that he thought about it, it made sense since Nooroo's power was to give others superpowers. He gave the ability to do great things to others. He was generous with his power.

Danny smiled, he suspected he would like Nooroo.

He hoped the energy he was taking from him wasn't weakening the poor guy. Tikki had told him it might give them some sort of connection, though...

"Hey, Danny?"

The boy jumped slightly in his seat and blinked. Conversation around him stopped as he turned around to come face to face with a blonde teenager.


She shifted on her feet, feeling uncomfortable. Danny raised his eyebrows as she pressed and loosened her lips, trying to form words. Finally, she jerked her head to the side. "Come with me."

Danny looked on as she turned, followed by an excited Sabrina. His eyes flickered towards his untouched sandwich. He took one quick bite and stood up from the bench. "Nobody touch that," he warned with a gesture and turned to follow the two girls.

His friends were left behind to wonder what the blonde could possibly want with him.

"She better not try anything with Danny." Marinette frowned, worried.

Kim scowled. "Do you think she likes him?"

"What? No?!" Alya seemed shocked that someone thought that.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised," Nathaniel muttered.


The redhead shrugged. "I'm just saying."

"What do you think, Adrien?"

"Mmh?" Adrien looked away from Chloe and Danny's retreating form. "What did you say?"

Alix leaned forward with a smirk. "What are you gonna do about Danny stealing your girl?"

"She's not my girl!" He straightened with a shocked frown. "She's a close friend. And she doesn't like him like that."

Nino crossed his arms. "As if you would know." He shrugged when Adrien scowled at him. "Sorry, man, but if there was a prize for 'most oblivious person in the school', you would win first, second and third place."

"Yeah," Alix piped up. "Half of the girls at school like you and you don't even know it."

Marinette blushed furiously as Adrien stuttered. "What."

Alix snorted. "You're a rich supermodel. Of course they do."

Adrien grimaced. "Oh. Yeah...Of course."

Marinette frowned. That didn't do Adrien any justice at all. "That's not all there is to him!" She half-stood with palms firmly on the table. "He's kind and considerate and I've never heard him say one bad thing about anyone and-" She spluttered to a stop as she caught Alya's grinning expression and Alix' smirk. Flustered, she turned towards the boy in question. He was looking at her in shock before his mouth lifted and he grinned at her. Subconsciously she realized she hadn't seen those pearly white teeth much before. He totally should stop smiling and start grinning more.

I love this pair. srsly. so much love. love love love
and what could chloe want with our danno???

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