Chapter 24

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The reason I'm so late is because I was starting to get sucked in the Voltron fandom, but Im fighting back and that's why I'm still here.
The reason I sometimes visit the vld fandom even though it's so toxic is to water my plance and because of Lance and Hunk's purest bromance.
Just be mad at me. I'm mad at me and I don't wanna be alone.

Kidnapper and kidnapped turned to see a red streak land on the ground with a crouch. Glass splinters from the broken window littered around her.

Danny brightened immediately. "Ladybug!"

Her eyes searched the theatre until they landed on him and she smiled in relief. Then her expression hardened when she caught sight of the akuma right next to him.

Danny's attention had already shifted towards the glowing lights flying over towards him. "My girls!!" He laughed as they beelined right towards him and clung to him as if trying to physically show him how much they had missed him. "How did you find me?!" He paused as he realized they couldn't talk and decided to ask Marinette later. Or maybe Alya. She knew more about butterflies and their habits.

Right now, however, he shifted around in his seat, trying to get free.

Suddenly something rose right next to him, making Danny jump before he spotted the fanged smirk and realized who it was. He huffed. "Geez, Catwoman. Don't sneak up on me like that."

Chat Noir chuckled and leapt forward to try to get him out of the chair. Danny glanced back at Ladybug to see her trying to catch Voidness with her yoyo. It seemed incredibly difficult with how he constantly disappeared in the shadows.

His eyes widened a bit when he caught sight of a glint coming from Chat's claws. "Hey dude. Don't scratch me. This is all basically air so don't like....try to rip it open, you know?"

Chat narrowed his eyes in thought. "Then how am I supposed to get you-"He was interrupted by the shadows around Danny shifting and lash out, punching the cat in the face and making him stumble backwards.

He yelped and scrambled up, crouching to eye the akuma, who seemed a bit frustrated. "Get out, heroes," he spat. "This is between me, Mothman and him."

The said heroes looked taken back by the obvious dismiss of the mircaulouses, but recovered quickly when something just as valuable to them was threatened instead.

Chat flew forward to scratch him. "Well, tell Hawmoth that kidnapping children is off limits." He ignored the indignant shout from behind him and tackled the akuma. Only for it to dissolve and make him tumble to the ground.

Ladybug had, meanwhile, tried to succeed in where Chat Noir had failed. She wrapped Danny with her yoyo and yanked. The only thing she got out of that was a pained yelp from the boy and a slight shift of the seat before it was nailed back to the ground. She huffed and let him go. "Don't worry, Danny. We'll get you out of here."

"Yeah, that would be nice." He smiled. "Although, the dark never bothered me anyways."

Ladybug ignored that (as she always did) and tugged on the seat, trying to separate Danny from it.

They both looked up when they heard a shout and saw Chat get flunged into a giant music box on the ceiling.

Danny winced. "Nevermind me. Get the guy. He looks shady." He smirked at her as she sighed.

"Alright. You try and find a way to get out on your own." She swung her yoyo and went feet first into the Akuma, actually being able to catch it off guard.

Danny wriggled in his bonds. It was no use. He couldn't move an inch. Then he felt something by elbow give before it was bound again. He looked at it desperately and noticed the butterfly that was standing on it. His eyes widened. Right under the little feet of his Papi, he could see his skin. Right where it glowed.

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