Chapter 17

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Danny and Alix were staring at each other, neither breaking eye contact. Kim was still panting next to them. The students around their lunch table were cheering the two on.

Alix started bouncing on her seat, trying to distract herself, but Danny could see her face starting to gain more color.

The telling around them got more and more intense and they finally went nuts when Alix doubled over, taking in deep breaths.

Danny glanced at Max, who raised his hand. "And the winner is Danny Fenton!"

Said boy released his breath and panted as his body reclaimed the oxygen that it had been deprived of. He laughed breathlessly and stuck out his hand at Alix. "Pay...up!"

Kim laughed when Alix grumbled and handed the other 5 euros. He was glad he had ended dead last or he would've been second and, as the rules dictated, would've had to take the punishment.

Danny pocketed his money with a satisfied smile. "Thank you very much."

Now that the competition was over a few students left to finish up their lunch.

"Just wait till next week," Alix smirked. "I will demolish you all in tree climbing."

The two boys groaned loudly as the rest of the students laughed at their antics.

"Hey, Rose," Alya leaned forward on her arms with interest. "How's Ronnie doing?"

Rose straightened, flashing them a bright smile. "He's doing great! He's super comfortable and already sits on my lap sometimes. Thank you so much, guys. You're the best."

Mylene smiled. "We knew you'd feel down after what happened to Snooze. What better than Snooze Junior to brighten your day."

"I told you not to call him that." Rose playfully reprimanded them. "He's not a Snooze replacement."

Juleka nodded. "And he's very different. Snooze didn't get along with other people much. Ronnie, on the other hand, is very social for a rabbit."

A murmur of approval echoed among the students. All of them satisfied.

Nino raised a finger to gain their attention. "You know who else is being social?" He grinned at Adrien and jabbed him with his elbow. "Tell them."

Adrien started grinning too. "Yeah! My dad was at breakfast today."

"Really?!" Marinette exclaimed before blushing at her own sudden outburst. "That's...that's great."

Adrien nodded. "He didn't say much, but he told me to have fun at school. He never does that!"

"He doesn't?" Danny frowned. He wasn't very updated on the home situation of most of his friends. Especially not Adrien's, as he didn't usually talk about it. Now, however, he looked elated because his father had seen him off to school. Danny felt bitterness at the man.

Adrien shook his head. "These last few weeks he's been gone almost constantly, going to meetings and being in his study. And he seemed pretty frustrated. The company must not be going well. " He wiped the downcast look on his face and replaced it with a smile. "But he seemed better now if a little distracted."

"It's no wonder you guys barely see each other." Alya raised an eyebrow. "With him always busy and you almost never at home."

Adrien frowned. "I've been at home for far too long already. It's big and empty and I've already visited and memorized every corner of the place."

"I can't believe you could get bored in there," Kim exclaimed. "I've seen all those video games and movies. I could spend weeks in there and not wanna leave the room. And once you finish all of them, if that's even possible, just ask your dad for more! It'd be heaven!"

Adrien sighed as he realized they wouldn't understand. There was no way they ever could. "It's not the same." He left it at that and forced a smile on his face. It wasn't hard. He'd been doing it for years. "But if you want to come over and play again, you're more than welcome."

Kim cheered and the topic of conversation changed.

However, Marinette was left sad and wondering what kind of life Adrien had to live and what else he could be struggling with.

Meanwhile, Danny's train of thought was running off the rails as he realized something. Suddenly he straightened and turned around in his seat, searching the large cafeteria until he found what he was looking for. Or rather, who.

A blonde teen dressed in Agreste's latest fashion designer clothes that had probably been custom made. She was standing beside the only girl who had stood by her side no matter what.

Danny slumped in his seat as he remembered her expression when the call had gone to voicemail in that one alums attack. How she had been looking for the one person who was supposed to always be ready for her and protect her with everything he had. Who she was supposed to be able to trust to come to her. But he didn't pick up. He wasn't there. As he almost never was.

He saw her face in front of himself. Eyes filled with tears and lips curled downwards. Then they changed and she frowned to herself, her heart going to the next person she could trust blindly to always come to her aid. And that was a red-clad superhero who didn't find her as important as the blonde found her.

Danny took a deep and sorrow-filled breath.

Neglectful fathers were gonna be the absolute death of him.

So as you've noticed. These updates are pretty small. And they will stay that way. Most of them are cute and with small reveals but they're necessary to bring the story forwards or just to show how Danny worms his way into everyone's life.

Anyway I'll hopefully update every other day. Cuz I'm at a vacation by the beach and should have enough time.

I was gonna have Danny confront Chloe about her dad now and have them be friends but no matter how I worded it, it would've been awkward so I've come up with something else that will be even more fun.

Also poor Adrien.

Anyways bye.

PS. I won't be updating ectostars much bc internet here is bogus. But I'll write down notes so I can update when I go back home in ten days.


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