Chapter 8: Anger, Dreams and Tom

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CHAPTER 8: Anger, Dreams and Tom

So, as you guys have probably guessed, this day is verging on the best day ever! I wish. I SO could've done without both of those conversations. After Mel left I stood by my locker, kind of shocked. Sometime later Sam showed up, a little confused. "Faye, Faaaaaaye," She said in a sort of sing-song voice. For once I didn't smile.

"Hey Sammy." Sammy? I haven't called her that in years! What is wrong with me? Besides the normal things, of course.

"Sammy? Were you just remembering your childhood?" Sam asks, one eyebrow raised, fighting off a smile.

"No, I thought I should relive it instead." I responded, this time Sam did smiled.

"Ok, Fayee" 


"I might as well relive it with you!" This time around, I laugh with her.

"Ok Sam, I gotta go," I respond

"Whatever you say Fayee, I'm gonna be late too, math, ugh," said Sam as she rolled her eyes at the absurdness of having to learn math. I struggled not to laugh at her. One of my very best friends, little insane Sam. We walked our separate ways down the hall.


I walked into Room 208, History. Really, Sam and I had been exageratting a whole lot when we said we would've been late if we didn't leave right then. Maybe Sam had sensed my aversion to conversation. Then again, maybe she just had to be early. Alas, I'll never know. Not that I really care. I looked at the clock and slouched in my seat, waiting for class to start and not indulging the rumors I'm sure are flying about Mel and Katie's fight. Out of nowhere, someone blew in my ear. "WHAT THE-?" I started angrily, "Tom." I said, realizing who it was.

"Morning to you too Faye," said Tom smiling at me and trying not to laugh, undoubtably because of my facial expression when he blew in my ear.

"Any particular reason for blowing in my ear?" I asked, a little irritated, although, I'll admit, I was trying not to laugh to. Tom is really just a guy who likes to laugh, he generally makes me want to laugh too.

"How else was I supposed to get your attention?" Tom asked inocently, while pulling himself up to sit on the desk next to mine.

"Oh, I don't know, poking me, saying hi, hitting me with a sledge hammer, the possibilities are endless," I said sarcastically. I realize I wasn't being particularly nice but Tom is sort of immune to that.

"Don't be preposterous," Tom scoffed, "if I hit you with a sledge hammer you'd have been knocked out... Or dead" He grinned. I groaned.

"Wonderful thoughts for 8:28 in the morning," I remarked.

"Is it 8:28 already?" Tom asked.

"Why of course not!" I said, "Now it's 8:29." and I grinned.

"Well, that's really unfortunate, I was planning on getting to talk to you but now I gotta get to my desk before-" Tom was cut off by the shrill sound of the bell ringing that, I must say, made me jump in my seat and then, when I realized what it was, burst out laughing. "-the bell." Tom finished, laughing along with me.

"Too late," I said and grinned at him. He grinned back goofily and headed to his seat, one row up, two to the left.


These dreams are really messing with me. It was bad enough when they just haunted me at night, I still got through my day, but now I'm stuck concentrating on my dreams until the bell rings and I realize what I was doing, by then I can't do anything for that class. I'm sure my marks are going down. Really, I want to ignore them but it's there, pushing at me, begging me to pay attention, refusing to take no for an answer and leave me alone. Soon it'l drive me off the edge.

I walked into the bathroom to splash water on my face. Lucky for me, no one was in there. If somebody had been I'm sure I would've gotten funny looks. Just for not fixing my make-up. Really, the amount of stuck up bitches at this school is astonishing. Then again, it'd probably be more astonishing if there was less of them.

As I splashed water on my face I was hit by a mental wave. I gripped the edge of the sink as hard as I could. My feet started slipping the floor, before slipping out from under me, altogether. There was a flash of light and then I saw the bottom of the cliff. I thought I'd throw up. I could still feel my hands, holding on to the sink, as tightly as possible, all the way in another world.

My stomach dropped as I felt myself pitch forward, off the cliff, in my dream. This was weird, I knew I was dreaming and I felt myself fall off the cliff, yet, in another place, at another time my hands were still latched to the sink, not letting go. I watched the ground hurdle towards me with incredible speed. Right before I hit the ground I saw another flash of light and all of a sudden, I was sitting on the floor again.

I slowly uncurled my hands from the sink. My head was pounding. Between the nightmare and the possibility that I hit my head on the edge of the counter, I understood why it hurt. I cradled my head in my hands. My hands really did hurt. I didn't want to reflect on the dream. I didn't want to see the cliff fall away behind me and the ground rush to meet me, like I was standing still and it was the landscape that was moving at incredible speeds.

I pulled myself up off the floor, trying to hod my breakfast. I wasn't hungry but I rushed into the lunch room and sat at our table.

"Hello, freak." Katie.


Picture of Tom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>

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