Chapter 37: Interesting Revelations

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CHAPTER 37: Interesting Revelations

The cell I was in now was circular, I just knew it would drive me crazy soon. Reaching out on either side of me, my fingertips brushed the walls there was a chain attached to the wall on one side and a metal cuff around my ankle on the other. Handcuffs were also attached to the wall and I was a little scared to go near them in case they randomly caught my wrists.

The door to my cell was the same one that had been on the other cell, only, it led to a stretch of cell about a meter long with another door there, either I was a threat or no one wanted to actually come into my cell. Which also might mean I'm a threat.

I didn't know where this cell was relative to the others.

Serquin wasn't here for which I was both relieved and terrified.

Already I felt trapped but not like I had before. Before there had been room to move around because the cell with my friends had been bigger. This cell was tiny in comparison and I felt like I was sitting at the bottom of a well and would never be found.

It didn't help that the ceiling was high enough I couldn't see the top, or maybe that was more because of the bad lighting then anything else. Torches ringed the cell about eight feet up.

Experimentally, I went to the door and whispered my friend's names, then I said them, then I screamed them but there was never any response. It made me feel truly alone and that thought scared me more then anything. I sunk back against the wall, as far away from the door as I could get and curled up.

The stone was uncomfortable and cold but I didn't know what else to do. I looked at the floor, dirt. I guess I could draw...


I lost track of time, if you can lose track of time even when you can't keep track of it, as I drew. They started out as small images but grew bigger and they scared even me in their ferocity. Battles won and lost, gory wounds, things that should never happen, my mother's body, a face smudged with dirt and frozen in terror but so clearly mine or Val's and lastly, two wrists. The wrists were both bleeding and somehow I knew they belonged to two different people. I could almost hear the angry words exchanged and screams of pain coming from the girl's whose wrists they were. They were unmistakably feminine.

At last my fingers were dirty and I was tired, I fell asleep against the stone wall, my body curled in and exhausted.

Battles were fought and lost.

Funny how everything spirals out of control over a few girl's blood.

Originally killed quickly, blood drained all at once and corpses found rotting sometime later.

One woman, greedy, uncontrollable, but clever and cunning, streaking here and there to deliver final blows. Killing blows.

A boy, her son. Born out of her own need for new blood. Magic blood. But the blood he had was twisted and his fate sealed from the start. His mother took blood but couldn't kill him, couldn't get enough.

For only one with natural blood of the ones who started this could deliver the last blow. The death blow.

Mother couldn't get enough from son as the magic drained from the original bloodline. But he would live. He would live until the death blow was delivered or after fifty years of no magic blood after the death of the girl he loved. His hands stained with her death. Stained with her blood.

And so comes to pass. As predicted by the one who saw all. Knew all when it started.

But no one could've predicted the new player. No one could've predicted the power she would play or the immortality he could gain.

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