Chapter 42: What I Can Do

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CHAPTER 42: What I Can Do

What is she talking about?

No frigging idea I said in response to Demetri's mental question.

Shall we assume she's crazy? Insane people can be dangerous.

So can revenge-seeking phycopaths,

And she's both,


Faye- Demetri was cut off by an abrupt;

"SHUT UP!" which was yelled by Serquin and successfully put our mental conversation on hold. Demetri looked just as startled as I felt, neither of us had been expecting Serquin to tell we'd been conversing or to be able to break the connection so easily, granted, it was a loud 'shut up'.

"Ok, so Val can kill me, big deal, what'll stop me from killing her first?" I asked, jumping into the conversation. Nobody answered me, they hadn't been expecting that and, honestly, none of them even remotely thought of me as a killer.

Where are you going with this? Demetri demanded in my head but I ignored him. I waited for Val or Serquin to answer, I was pleased at their stunned reactions.

"You can't kill me," Val sneered at last, but it was a little forced, she was just a little scared of me. Demetri and Serquin were still confused and had yet to find their voices.

"See, none of you believe it so none of you will expect it and I'll be able to after all," I answered with a cheeriness I didn't really feel.

"Only now I do," Val stated, looking for any and all holes in my words. Serquin and Demetri were still strangely quiet, it occurred to me that because we were identical and sounded the same it probably felt very much like they were watching someone argue with themselves which, entertaining as it would be, would also probably be pretty unnerving. Even I was a little freaked out and felt like I was talking to myself as I spoke to Val.

"You still think I'm this girl who's afraid of all these things, terrified at her new twin and so untrained that she's stumbling around like a deranged bumble bee. Guess what? I'm not her and in self defense or even in offense I'll murder you, it's not like you have any qualms about it yourself," An image of my mom's body flashed through my mind but I shoved it away. I wouldn't know if I could kill Val or Serquin until I had the gun pressed against their heads or the sword against their throats.

Bees don't stumble, Demetri muttered in my mind, apparently having no other comments. I might've laughed if it was at a different time but in the moment it seemed like an inane comment to even think about saying and laughing would've just been ridiculous, especially considering it had been in my head and Val and Serquin would think I'd gone off the deep end.

"Enough! Shut up," Serquin said, stopping Val from saying whatever she'd been about to say, who knows? Maybe she would've spoken about how bees don't stumble too. "we're wasting time here, let's kill you two and be done with it."

"Someone's in a bad mood," I murmured under my breath, only Demetri heard me and I could see him repressing a smile as he spoke.

"We could take you two, an old guy and a basically magic-less girl," Demetri said, rolling his eyes. Val flushed red at the comment of her lack of magic but Serquin seemed unaffected by the 'old guy' remark. If anything, it brought on his creepy smile that reminded me of the joker and a serial killer mixed together.

"Be quiet Demetrius, you two may have this bond and while Faye's magic beats Valerie's, mine beats your's," Serquin said. It took me a few seconds for the name 'Demetrius' to register as Demetri's full name. Demetri carefully took a silent step closer to me, as if to protect me from what would happen next. Only, nobody could've predicted or controlled what happened next. A pounding started up in my skull and the skin where my scar was burned as if on fire. One hand flew to the beating on the inside of my head while the other flew to my flaming skin. I fought the urge to scream when Demetri's shoulder hit mine as we both slid to the ground. He was going through the same thing, I realized. It was my last concsious thought before blackness took over my vision and a dream started up again.

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