The World Of SKYRIM

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I walked through the snow on a cold, winter afternoon, with my longbow and twenty iron arrow's, all fur armor, except my helmet, which was hide. It was a long day of hunting. With little game killed, and sun going down, i made my way back to my hometown, Whiterun. It's was a nice, quaint little place. A few stalls in the middle of town, some stores, nothing really special. As i walked into town, people always asked me to buy their merchandise, i always wanted some of it, but never had the money. I just bought a house called Breezehome, and it wasn't cheap. But, now that i have a house, anything i find on my travels, i can store there. And i know what your thinking, what can i possibly find hunting? One time, not long ago, a child ran into town, with the biggest grin on his face, and he was only eight or nine, and he ran to his mom, screaming and yelling, then he pulled out an ancient Daedric artifact. He said he just ran up a hill, moved a log and found it. It is believable, no child would go into caves looking for it, especially not a nine year old child. His family was poor, now they had their own brewery, a large house, and were very wealthy. One item, just one little book. I entered my home, put the two rabbits on the table and went upstairs to lay down in my bed. I need to find myself one of those books, then i wouldn't struggle so bad. Just one little book, just one little book i kept thinking to myself. I woke up in about two hours. Picked my bow off of the floor. I must have dropped it when i passed out. I went downstairs, hung my bow on it's rack, and picked up the iron dagger off of the table. I sat there, cutting the rabbit's like normal. First skin them, then chop off the legs, cut the fat off, head is next, then i had to chop it up into small cubes. After that gruesome process, i threw it into my cooking pot, along with a couple of leeks, and some potatoes. Same meal almost everyday. Once in awhile i will catch a deer, but that is on rare occasion. I ate my cooked rabbit, then the leek's, and the potatoes last. With my stomach full, i went back upstairs to sleep. Same thing tomorrow, same thing the next day. I wish something different would happen.

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