Chapter 1: (Y/N) Midoriya

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"Mom the computer!" Izuku exclaimed in excitement rushing into the kitchen area where his mother was washing the dishes, tugging on the hem of her shirt.

"Again?" The mother chuckled, to which the boy bounced happily to.

The woman smiled at her young child, but it faltered a little when she noticed a missing green head.

"Izuku... Where is (Y/N)?" The mother asked. Looking around the room the boy panicked as he noticed the missing person.

"Ah! (Y/N)!" Izuku quickly dashed out of the room in search for you.

Inko chuckled lightly at the boy, with hand over her lips, finishing up her work before following after her son.

"(Y/N)! Where are you!?" Izuku called while dashing down the hall, looking under the tables and in different rooms - including the bathroom - as he went, for any signs of you. Finally, Izuku checked inside their shared room, peeking past the open door, he called, "(Y/N)?"

There he found you on your shared bed in tears, looking over the edge of the one layered mattress.

"K-Kukun...!" You wailed clinging onto the sheets in fear. "I-I... I can't..." You sniffed as you sobbed, marbles of tears streaming down your rosy red cheeks.

"I can't get down..!" You exclaimed. "Its too high!"

"Don't worry (Y/N)! All Might Jr. to  the rescue!" With a big grin Izuku cheered, swooshing around the room, as if he were flying, making you forget about the fact you were 'stuck' on the bed.

"Ta-dah! I have come to save you!" He said, picking you up by the waist and shakily hopping down from the bed.

"Careful Izuku," Inko mused with a smile.

"I am always extra careful when it comes to (Y/N)!" Izuku insisted, placing you down.

Full of glee, you hugged your brother with a bright smile.
"Thank you Kukun! You are my hero!" You chirped.

Izuku hugged back while letting out an 'All Might' laugh. "I will always be there for you, (Y/N)!" Izuku declared, smiling encouragingly at you.

"Promise?" You asked sweetly, earning a nod from him.

"I promise!"

With a fond chuckle, your mother pipes up, earning your attention. "Hey, isn't it time for the computer?" With a bright smile, Izuku hollered and hopped onto the computer chair excitedly, swaying his head back and forth.

"Jeez, you have probably added ten thousands views just by yourself, Izuku" Inko mused while preparing the video her child oh-so desired. "But it’s too scary for me, I couldn't watch it myself.."

""Hurry!" The boy cried out in anticipation, becoming very impatient as he waited for the video to load.

Once the video has finally loaded, Inko left you two to watch it, since she still has chores to do.

On one hand, your brother was excitedly staring at the screen, on the other, you were partially hiding behind the chair your brother sat on, looking at the screen with an innocently curious expression.

Despite seeing the videos many times - not as many as Izuku -  you still couldn't understand the main idea of the video.

The video was recorded during a catastrophe that occurred years ago, there was a massive villain attack that completely destroyed some parts of the city. But what made this video more meaningful to your brother was that this video was about the debut of his favorite hero.

The video’s first few seconds featured buildings on fire and areas in rubble. People, injured or not, were gathered in a clearing protected from the flames.

The individual who was filming the video seemed beyond amazed by the work of one hero, seconds later, said big hero stood on top a school bus carrying many more injured civilians on his back.

"It’s fine now," The hero assured to the crowd, and - just from those words - Izuku's eyes started to gleam with excitement.

"Why?" You peeked a bit more from behind the chair.

"Because I am here!" He says. You blinked, clueless on why he said that, but it didn't matter to your twin brother as he grin with a muffled squeal.

"He's so cool!" You jumped as Izuku yelled in excitement, raising his action figure of the same hero in the video; he smiled brightly.

"Once I get my quirk, I wanna be like him, too!" He exclaims.

With a lighthearted smile, you also cheered with him, both of you laughing without a care in the world.


"You should probably give it up."

The doctor spoke bluntly, scarring the poor boy for life. But not only him; this  also would damage your mental psyche for years to come.

"Excuse me, but you're fourth generation, right, ma'am?" The doctor asked Inko, who sat between you and Izuku. "May I ask about your quirk?"

"I can pull small objects to me. And my husband can breath fire," She answered.

"Normally, by the age of four, they would have manifested on of those quirks, or some combination of the two," The doctor explained.

He turned to the x-ray of both yours and Izuku's feet. "You can see by looking at this x-ray that both Izuku and (Y/N) has two joints in their pinky toes. When parts of the body aren't used, they're deleted unnecessary. People who didn't have the joint were thought to be a newly evolved form." Inko looked down worriedly at her children before looking back at the x-ray. "Its unusual to see that these days, more so as both twins has it."

Izuku had a shocked expression on his face, while (Y/N)’s eyes held a calm yet sad look as they continued to listen to what the doctor has to say.

"But it means that both of them have no quirk."


That dreadful visit to the doctor lead to a not so happy day at school.

The journey home was harder to bear. The rain poured down on the sad day, and nothing was said between the family members as shock rendered them speechless.

"Mom..." Izuku spoke, staring at a paused image from the video that brought him so much joy. Except he doesn't hold a smile while watching it this time.

"He saves everyone with a smile no matter what trouble they are in..." Izuku’s voice wavered.

"He's such a cool hero..." You watched from beside your mother, who looked down.

Izuku turned to both of you with tears filling his eyes. "Can I... be a hero, too?" Izuku sniffed.

Inko lightly gasped and tears of her own soon welled up. She began slowly walking to her son, before rushing and collapsing to the ground to hug and comfort him.

"I am sorry, Izuku!" You mom cried, hugging him as tears flowed down both of their cheeks.

You sniffed as well and approached them from your place at the door frame, and was pulled into the hug.

'I am not like the others...'

[(Particularly) finished editing: September 3, 2018]
[Finished editing: January 14, 2019]

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