Chapter 50: The American

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Once Tomura disappeared from your vision, you felt your knees go weak and your body crashes into the benches."I need better friends..." You loudly remarked remembering the odd kinds of people in your day-to-day life.

'I feel like I am growing grey hairs for goodness sakes! This world is not letting me rest!' you thought with a pout as troublesome events and scenarios just keep stacking and stacking that just sticks you into a problematic situation.

'Dear God, when will this end? I am still too young...' Stretching your rested limbs and massaging your numbing legs, you decided to head back to base. Cause, for now, paperwork seems to be your only friend. Not causing much trouble and even if it piles up its not annoying like how many other people (Y/N) knows but won't say to protect their dignity.

'But everyone is so fun and supportive...' You thought softly with a smile. You recalled a little time when you doubted your abilities without a quirk, but because of them, you realized how much you have achieved without it, you almost felt embarrassed of yourself to even think of such.

Seeing how everyone was furious at your downgrading yourself, you were bombarded with so many sweet gestures that you were flustered for weeks.

'Tomura isn't a bad character as well...' You thought of how laid back the male was and how he was someone you can oddly relate to, despite his few odd moments.

'I have been so picky the past years, haven't I?' You thought feeling your ears turn pink. 'I am cringing at my old self already...'

You shook your head violently trying to remove the memories from your mind and focused on going home.

'Which side are you on?' Tomura's voice echoes in your head making you stop in your track. 'Which side I am on...' You repeated the question, 'Obviously on the good side, I mean, I was raised to be a good person... Just not along with the heroes.'

"Grrr...! I don't need to side with the heroes to be a good person!" You accidentally yelled feeling your blood boil before realizing your outburst and sigh tiredly.

"Good grief, (Y/N) get yourself together..." You mumble to yourself rubbing your hand across your face to massage your growing migraine. Taking out your phone, you unlocked it and opened your contact lists.

You clicked the dial button and waited in silence listening to the low ringing from your phone.

"Hello?" The sweet voice of your mother echoed out of the communicating device.

"Hey mom," you greet softly "I am gonna be back late for a while, I just wanna call so you won't get worried..."

"O-Oh? Are you sure? With everything that is happening?"

"If it's too late to go back I will stay over at the building till morning," you eased your mother's worries. You hear your mother sigh in defeat and agreed, telling her you'd be fine one last time. You bid goodbye to your mom before ending the call and starting your treck to the compound

You didn't really know what to call the company, really... You could call it a building but there are some people who occupy the other supposedly empty buildings you owned, and you can't say compound cause that is where the workshops can be found too and also some mini schools for the orphanages connected in the large estate.

"How on earth Sāji-sensei was able to build such a large company and branch it out that fast will forever be beyond me." You mumble with a chuckle.

Arriving at the two glass door of the first and front building of the whole division, you entered and greet the receptionist. Only to gasps in shock and delight as a familiar female character stood by the counter making light chatter with the receptionist.

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