Chapter 21: Inheritance

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You stared at the copy of the will and the letter the lawyer left for you.

You were too scared and nervous to open it out there, thinking as if it was meant for your eyes only.

'This is too complicated for me...' You groaned silently stuffing the papers away and entering your home.

Only to be greeted by a big hug of a crying mother. "(Y/N)...!!" She wailed holding on to you tightly. "A-Are you okay.!?!" She asked checking every inch of your you for any scratches.

with a small chuckle you took her hands off and smiled.

"I am fine, mom. I didn't get attacked again. I am sorry I came home late.. Besides, see? I am safe." You eased her.

"R-Right you are fine... and safe....... My baby girl..!" Failing to hold back her tears, Inko latched on to you once more hugging you to the brink of your bones breaking.

"M-Mom..!" You yelp in slight pain.

But she couldn't hear you cause of the sound of her worried cries.

"H-How about some tea?" You wheezed out. Calming down with a sniff she nodded and with your head still in her hug you made your way to the table closing the door on your way.


"Haa..." Inko sighed in content as she drank the tea.

Stretching your neck and bones, you looked around to find your brother absent.

"Where is Izuku?" You asked.

Blinking she set down her cup and looked around the living room. "I think he is at his room. I haven't heard him leave." She told you.

Nodding you told her you would going to your room.

'Is he okay?' You thought slightly approaching the door but stopped. 'Wait... Of course he is not okay, you basically hurt his feelings! Stupid..' You sighed dejected and turned to your door that was just across his.

Suddenly arms shot out from behind you and hugged you tightly. You yelled in surprise as you felt your brother bury his nose in your hair.


A second of silence passed before he slowly but stiffly pull his arms away.

"Sorry.." He muttered to you.

You looked at him as he stared at your with a solemn look. "I know I have been busy and I failed to be at your side when you needed me. I also know that I wanted to be the one thing you don't trust, I should have considered your feelings—"

"Izuku." He visibly flinched at your stern tone. Before he felt a warm hand cup his cheek.

"You won't always be able to be by my side.." You told him. "And that is okay."

He looked at you as you smiled bittersweetly. "I am not fond of heroes and how others would just go in for the money. But, I won't forget there are some heroes who cared more on keeping the people safe than any fortune."

"And I know that will one day be you.." You whispered. "I can't stop you from being the one thing you always dreamed of."

"But, it was unfair of me—" Izuku tried to argue but you cut him off.

"Nothing is fair.. You have yourself a quirk and I don't. But it wont matter to me as long as you are happy." You told with a smile.

Giving him a big hug you parted with a smile and went inside your room. "Tell mom I won't be joining you guys at dinner..." And with that left Izuku at the hall.


You sighed tiredly as you took out the letter and examined it. Well it wasn't just a paper alone, it was an envelope and judging by the weight maybe carrying more than one paper.

You head towards your desk tiredly sitting down and opened the envelope carefully but swiftly.

Spilling all the components you blink in surprise on what you discovered.


On a cold afternoon where the streets are paid, you found yourself farther from the crowd and in a not so public street, once again.

'This feels like Deja vu...' You thought with a bittersweet smile remembering the time you first met Sāji.

Looking at the will in your hand, you ready to yourself again. "–If I were to pass, all my belongings are to be moved to the designated address below. And ownership of my business, land and belongings will be handed to, (Y/N) Midoriya, immediately, along with my money that I earned."

Looking at the date it was updated you scoffed. "You updated this just two days before you died? Can you see the future, sensei?" You ask in a sad yet amusing tone.

Knowing your sensei, he wouldn't let any second of his life go to waste, he always, always, plan ahead.

He has more plans for you as we are speaking!

Right now, you are at the address given in the will and it lead you in front three story with an antique store at the ground floor. "Though, I'll never truly get what is with you and clocks.." You mutter looking at the pocket watch that was given with the will.

It is a hunter case pocket watch made of old gold and has vine like designs on the case that has gaps in between showing small parts of the clocks face. Opening it, you were greeted with carved words on the back of the metal cover, but it was too faded to read.

The clock's face itself seem fine, though the paint on the arms were chipped and the ink that the roman numerals seemed to be repainted.

"My!" You flinched visibly stumbling away from the owner of the voice like a glittery rabbit.

Behind you was the lawyer who met with you, though you would have not realized that cause he was wearing a bit more on case side of attire.

"Glad that you came here immediately to inherit Han's stuffs!" He chirped with a careless smile.

You blink in bewilder at his change of attitude but quickly snapped out of it nodding.

"Y-Yeah.. Sensei means a lot to me.. I would never dream of just leaving everything of his behind.." You said awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck.

"S-So he just owns this antique shop?" You ask.

Chuckling at your state the lawyer shook his head correcting you. "Actually, he owns this entire building all the way to the six one!" Pointing from the first house to the seventh one with the first building included in the count.

"W-What..!?" You exclaim in surprise.


"Hey Sensei..." You called as you were organizing the shelves as your first task.

"What is it?" He asked spinning around to face you.

Looking at one corner where all the junk were stacked and the other corner where expensive looking materials were arranged neatly, you faced him with a confused look.

"Where did you get such expensive materials?"

"Huh? What you mean?" Sāji lightly scratched his scalp with a flat screwdriver.

"I mean, you work in this old looking shop, you were always seen with collecting scrap to reuse, I just don't get why you couldn't buy a bigger  and newer work shop.." You explained.

"Ah, well... I owner this house for quite sometime, it just feels like home now. And as for the materials.." He trailed off thinking how to answer you.

"I have my ways!" He grin in a mysterious way.

[Flashback End]

'And he always complain saying I eat a lot...' You thought sourly thinking that if you successfully emptied one of his wallet, he still have more anyways..

"That sneaky old man.. I was doing hungry"

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