Chapter 34: Kukun!

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Running away from the dual haired boy, you tried to look for a place that was deserted so you can clean yourself up but with the over flowing tears in your eyes you couldn't see where you were going.

Without a thought you bumped into someone and looking up you found blonde hair.

"Nekochi.." You whimpered wiping your tears furiously looking back down as you clasped the male in a almost desperate hug.

"Why is it... Every time someone looks at me... The first person they think of is my brother..?" You pathetically asked them sobbing.

"Izuku... Is always the blessed one.. I might just be the one left behind... And I don't want that..." You clutched the fabric of the shirt as the male placed a gender hand on your head stroking you long back length green hair.

Before he could say anything you detached yourself from him and staggered a few steps back. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be bothering you..... I don't wanna be a burden..." Eyes still stuck to the ground you turned away leaving the male worried.

But only minutes after walking the familiar grumpy voice spoke up catching your attention. "Oi, Buns, who did it?" Katsuki suddenly asked coming in from the direction before you, opposite of where you came from.

"W-What?" You looked up at him with bloodshot eyes and puffy cheeks as he placed his arms around your frame holding you slightly frozen arm tenderly.

'That half and half bastard...' Katsuki growled as he clenched his teeth before leading you to the infirmary. But along the trek you confusingly looked back from where you came.

"Didn't you just passed me?" You questioned the boy who only looked confused before placing hand on your forehead.

"You ain't sick right?"



Light blue eyes watched you as you left with a sad look, the male wanted to do something more than just stay quiet even if you had mistaken him for someone else in the other class.

"Hmm... I knew that people have terrible flaws... But I find it hilarious how one likes to hide everything in until they explode.." The blonde amusingly spoke but grew a frown when he remembered your broken state.

"Class 1-A really are terrible people.." He muttered making his way back to his class.

"Monoma! Where have you been?" upon line of sight one of his classmates asked the boy urging him to hurry up.

"Just went to get something." He simply replied as Present Mic announced the next game.


"Hey guys, are you ready!?" Gensui covered his ears annoyed as the crowd roared.

"I am soon gonna get tired of all of this and am just ready to blow up the entire stadium..." He muttered dangerously earning a sigh from Tamashī.

"Its obvious you can't hold on till the end." The boy mocked smugly earning glares from the latter.

Fortunately, before it could get any worse than its starting to, you came in with your arm wrapped in bandages.

"Eh, master! Are you okay?" Gensui was first to ask as you sat down.

"I am fine.." You told him giving a tired smile. Which only made the two worry more.

But before anymore words were spoken, your brother's match began.

Though it seemed from afar that the two were having a conversation, which confused you, and just as you thought they weren't gonna fight. Izuku charged at the purple haired boy yelling but soon halted.

This brought questions to the crowd —even the spectators.

"He's not gonna fight?" Tamashī spoke disappointedly slouching back.

"That's a bit anti climatic.." Gensui remarked but looking over to your scrunched up looking he decided to take another glance.

"Its not that... It seems to be... brainwashing." Both boys seemed surprised.

"Really!?" Gensui exclaim in shock.

"I recognize the symptoms related to one who is under hypnotism or mind control. I am positive it is something close to it.." You explained.

"There is someone in the General Department that has that kind of quirk?" Tamashī asked.

"What a waste that he wanted to be a hero. Using it for interrogations and such would have been much more fitting since he could immediately order them to spill every secret." Gensui thought crossing his arms.

Shinso Hitoshi, was the name of the boy in topic. And right now and then, it was almost clear who the winner was.

On the other hand, your brother's classmates on the edge of their seats praying and yelling for him to stop and turn around, another who is by the entrance was practically chattering.

And you held a frown on your lips as frustrating built in you. 'Izuku is always one to slip when it involves another person...' You thought as the boy edged closer to the line.

'Ugh..! You are always so reckless yet observing at the same time! You should have known not to speak to the guy if you already knew!' You trembled having the urge to just hand chop his head for being stupid.

'Can't you be selfish of your own health and safety sometimes!?' You thought feeling a bit guilty for being a hypocrite.

'And if you can then I wouldn't always have to be so worried for you—'

"Kukun, you big idiot! Snap out of it!" You yelled having enough also shocking some people around you with your sudden outburst.

Somehow, your voice seemed to be the only sound that slipped into Izuku's ears as an illusion started to appear before him.

"Calm down master..." Gensui tried to eased but to everyone's surprise a strong gust of wind blew from the stadium.

"Oh... look —Midoriya stopped!" Present Mic announced making the crowd cheer.

"He did it!" You squealed happily shaking Gensui as if it was the end of the world. And just as he was released Izuku charged at Shinso pushing to the edge in which he fought back.

"Izuku..! Come on!" You say along with the crowd.

As a final move Izuku swing Shinso over his shoulder and out of the line meaning that..

"Shinso, is out of bound! Midoriya advances to the next round!"

The crowd went practically crazy at this point, with a beam you clapped along with them congratulating the contestants for doing their best in the first match.

On his way out, Izuku's eyes searched for you in the crowd and when he found you he smiled happily.

"You called me Kukun..." He muttered to himself as he felt warm when you smiled his way.

"I miss that name... The one that you gave to me back when we were so close..." A big smile appeared on his face as he waved back to you. Its just moments like this, that made him feel like he doesn't seem to have a single care in the world.

But all that turned worrisome as he soon realized that very soon you are going to witness his quirk and it's backlashes for the first time without warning.

And he is anxious for your reaction to it.

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