Chapter 24: A Lad of Few Words

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"Master looks so responsible today!" The dark haired male childishly salon over your fixing up a few paper work.

'What?' You stared at the demon quirked man who was looking mentally installed at that moment with you face in a blank stare.


You sleepily walked over to the small fridge in your workshop and opened it to take out a can of soda.

"So many things to do..." You let out a fake tear from all the stress.

"I need sleep-"


"Pwwfftt!" Without a time for your brain to process you spat the soda you were drinking all over the demon's face who fell to the ground in pain.

"Its in my eyes! Master..! You have such fast reflexes!"

You blinked in surprise at the sight of a grown man on the floor rolling in pain yet raising you nonetheless. 'I am not sure if I am supposed to be worried or irritated...' You thought.


You inhaled the air of the unfamiliar city as you stepped out of the train cart. Watching some of your employees unloading the items from the train cart -that you rented just for you and your assets. Supervising them to make sure they don't get into trouble.

"Master!~" you flinched noticeably as you heard the voice of someone who was supposed to stay back at the main building while you were on that trip.

Hearing the voice some of workers snickered or chuckled. "You go try to lose him deary!~ We will handle it from here." An elderly woman from your group chuckled as you gave a lopsided smile proceed in to pick up two boxes to cover your face.

"These don't have anything of too much importance?"

"Not until three days later..!" With that you bid them good well and dashed away with the two boxes.

"Eh? Where is Master?"

"What are you doing here sonny boy?"

"Aaaah!!! I just wanted to help master! I am sorry!!!!!"


You panted as you slowed down steadying the mildly heavy boxes in your hands. 'Maybe I should have brought something lighter...' You thought regretful of your bad choice.

Looking around you took out your phone and checked your GPS. 'Well I am almost there might as well to on and meet the rest...'.

With a sigh you continued your journey down the street passing by tall buildings and small shops.

'This is so much different from home.. Yet the structure are kind of the same...' You thought looking at your surroundings.

Not paying much attention you feel the box are starting to get unsteady. 'Whoops.. Gotta make sure I don't drop-!!?' You gasped loudly as you hit a study wall making you style back a bit.

Because of the force the box tipped over and fell.

But it stopped as soon as a another set of hands caught it. "Sorry..." The person spoke showing the box to you.

Looking up to the eyes of the stranger you were suddenly entranced by the mismatched iris that gleamed under the sun's light.

"Are you okay?" The person asked snapping you out of your trance.

"H-Huh? Oh yeah! Sorry for bumping into you, I couldn't see..!" You say to the boy who towered over you.

"That is all right." he said.

The air between the two of you turned awkwardly silent as the words and tone of the boy seemed to be enough to end the conversation.

Looking around feeling pressured by the wight of the tension the boy spoke up once more.

"Do you need help?" He asked.

With a smile you shook your head modestly. "Oh no need it I alright..!" You say despite the fact your arms were trembling from the heavy cargo you are transporting.

"You are not." The boy simply commented.

"May I help you bring these to you are going?" He asked you politely yet his stance and body language clearly shown that he wouldn't like to take no for an answer.

With an amused sigh you nodded much to his delight.

Without much verbal communication you made to and apartment in where you placed the boxes at the door step and rung the bell.

"Thank you for helping me!" You smiled to the boy who shrugged. "It was nothing." He spoke.

Looking past him you noticed a cafe across the street and with a smile you glanced over to him. "Care to share a drink?" You asked.

The cafe was fairly simply, with the color palete of the cafe composed of soft cream all the was to caramel brown. The interior gave off a nice comfortable aura which you loved to dwell in.

Taking a seat on couch like chairs you ordered whatever you want to a waiter who came by.

The boy ordered a simple water bottle. While you order coffee with milk. Seeing your drink the boy questionably looks at you.

"Aren't we a bit to young to drink coffee?" He asked.

Looking at you drink and his you scratched the back of your head sheepishly. "Well yeah, but I couldn't help it... Its good to drink it when I feel kind of stressed."

The boy nodded a bit but stilled objected. "Its still not that healthy to drink coffee while we are young. There must be some wa6 to cope with school work."

"Oh I don't go to school..." You say.

"I am working."

"You are too young to work full time and still young to be able to work part time." He bluntly stated making you chuckle.

"But I am..!" You insisted but he kept denying the fact of that.

"Alright then, What are you doing out on this lovely day?" You asked.

"I just wanted to get away." He said. "And I apologize to say this, but I was also using the situation earlier as an excuse as to why I was gone long." He stated.

You sweat dropped at his lack of shame before pretending to look hurt. "Was I that vulnerable to being used?"

You say feigning hurt which the boy didn't caught on and immediately apologized. "Ah, no, I am sorry for offending you..." He say looking a bit flustered about.

With a mischievous thought you continued to act hurt. "I must be too easy to manipulate..." You say as the boy continue to panic mildly.

"N-No... I didn't mean it like that..." He say.

"But I was to easy to be used.. Oh, my heart..." You internally smiled at how aloof and timid the emotionless boy actually was.

"Please, is there anything I can do to make up?" He asked.

"Hmm... Maybe a small tour around the city?-"


Hey guys! Sorry I missed yesterday! My mind seems to be running low on ideas which isn't exactly good.

As I wanted this chapter to take a different turn but ended up like this.

Well, maybe this should give you all enough time to guess who this is. The next chapter is gonna reveal who you are with.

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