Author's Message

64.9K 1.5K 70

Topic: Problem...

Hey everyone!

Yeah... I know you all wanted a publish and I am sorry I have to come back after my trip with this message. But I have a bit of a problem with my cell... and also founding out we are going on another trip....

My parents sure have our summer planned...

So, before I can go back to updating like usual, I have to get my cell restarted, like all over again to see if it gets the job done. And if doesn't... Eeh...

But hope and pray it doesn't end up like that and it would go back to normal!

I am so sorry y'all have to wait a bit longer for updates.. This is also the reason why I won't be so active on the comments.. Eheh... For the record I am doing this on our family computer, since my laptop also broke--some time ago-- and I am pretty sure that I won't be able to write on this fir a frequent amount of time. So I hope you can be patient for a little while longer.

Thank you for your time!



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