Chapter 15: Oh Brother...

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"Where on earth are you going so early in the morning?"


Izuku jumped in surprise and turned to look behind him. There you stood standing in the kitchen in your pajamas, a cup of coffee in hand looking over at him surprise.

"Ah.. I have some errands to get to..!" He tried to explain.

"You can't fool me, you idiot." You gave a deadpan look making him flinch nervously. "It's too early for any stores to be open. And plus in that outfit I am sure its not even the case..." Izuku fidgeted nervously, watching you walk up too him with a serious look.

'I-Is she mad a-about something...?' He nervously fidgeted and started to stutter any excuse he could think of.

"You are..." He gulped loudly readying himself to hear you conclusion. Over years he knew you have gotten smarter than him because of your mentor. And he feared that it might be harder to hide a secret from you. "You are... exercising right?" You say with a wide smile.


"Oh it was obvious dear brother of mine, sorry if I am a bit too harsh, Kukun. But you are a bit on the... scrawny side for someone who wanted to become a hero."


"I was worried that if you tried to pursue as a hero like that then you would have probably not make it on the first day..."

Double stab

"Ah what am I saying? How can I doubt you? I am so stupid, I now you can beat whatever gets in your... Kukun are you okay..?" You blinked in confusion as you stared at the defeated form of your brother.

"(Y-Y/N)... You have no restraint.." Izuku mutter and fell to the floor. "H-Huh..?" You blinked. "What did I say?"


"You are training with who?" You asked as you and your brother walked down the street. "A-A friend.." he stuttered making you narrow your eyes at him. He sweated profoundly under your hard gave.

But you laughed lightly relieving him once again. "I get it, it must be like that time with me and Kinzoku-sensei!" You say happily.

"Y-Yeah! Something like that..! " Izuku nervously grinned. Reaching to the street in where you two may part you stopped and looked at him. He caught the gaze and blinked in questions. "W-What is it?" 

"Nothing.." You say with a small smile and waved good bye. "Good luck, okay? Be the best hero the world has ever seen! Your number 1 fan is cheering for you!" And with that you disappeared round the corner.

With a newly determined smile he quickly made his way to where he was intentionally heading to.


"So your brother is training to pass the entrance exam, huh?" Sāji say while he did his project.

"Yeah he is, I hope that it won't be entirely fruitless though..." You say with a sigh cleaning up.

"Aw don't say that Midori, maybe he may surprise you." Your teacher try encourage your worry.

"I guess..." You mutter sitting on the chair and sighed.

Noticing your change of attitude your teacher stop what he was doing and turned to you. "What is it?" He say breaking your trance.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Sāji sighed in amusement and knelt before you. "You always show that face when something is bothering you."

Blushing in embarrassment you sighed in defeat.

"What's the matter Midoriya?" He asked not using the nickname 'Midori' to show how serious he is.

With a hum of distaste you sighed. "Its just that.. I have been getting the feeling that this year will effect the lifelong trust and understanding we have with each other..." you say nervously speaking your mind out.

"What if something big happened and.. we instantly grew apart..?" Sāji scrunched his brows in worry as you sniff.

"I don't want that to happen..." You whimpered.

"He means a lot to me.."

Sāji understood what you meant. Patting your head tenderly he gave a soft smile.

"What are you worried about?" He asked making you look at him confused.

"He's your twin, you both depended on each other's back in times of crisis. I am sure he doesn't want to lose you like you don't wanna lose him..." with a small smile you looked at your teacher.

"Yeah that's true.."

A big grin made it onto his lips. "Okay! Why not we go scavenge for some parts, then we can buy some lunch at your favorite restaurant, how about that?"

With a grin mimicking his you stood up with him and cheered. "Yay! Your paying!"

"H-Hey..! Don't go overboard with the food okay..?"

Your teacher panicked following after you as you pack your pack and head towards the door.


You blinked in surprise as you watch your brother approach your mom with a diet schedule.

Just earlier you were sitting on the couch drinking some juice, your brother came in super exhausted and after he cleaned himself up went to your mom with a eating diet schedule just before she was about prepare for dinner.

"What is with the sudden change of diet, Kukun?" You asked as he sat down with a grip strength, except he was doing quite badly on it.

"Here its like this." You advised taking the item from him and showing him the proper way to do it.

And you even were reaching to its limit. "H-How are you able to do that!?" He suddenly yelled before slumping like all his dignity left him.

"I feel so weak compared to my sister..." Izuku fell on all four on the ground.

"H-Hey..! Its not like I train..! I just have more expose to strengthening my arm strength cause of my w-work..!"


"What is going on?" You say looking your brother who is muttering during class, it soon want from soft mutter to full on talking to himself.

It was enough to make the teacher use his quirk and hit his head snap out of it.

"Kukun... are you doing okay..?"  You asked worriedly.

"U-Uh.. y-yeah..! I am fine.." He say before paying attention to class once more.

You sighed in annoyance as you watch him suddenly break out into another muttering episode hours later. And it wasn't for his hero booklet at the time.

"Oh brother..."

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