'What if' Special: Swap AU

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[A/M]: What If: Izuku becomes a villain before he even met All Might. Instead, it was (Y/N) who met All Might (after she saved Katsuki), and inherited One for All. She joined UA so she can be a hero to find him, not wanting to believe the possibility he may not be alive. Before his appearance, Izuku was thought to be dead.

In this AU Sāji is still alive, but you aren't that close to him and you didn't inherit his company. Though! You did meet him but didn't went under his wing.


"(Y/N)! Look its All Might!" The 5 year old Izuku cheered, pointing at the flat screen with excited eyes.

"Ooh..!" You awed at the hero even if he didn't impress you.

"When I get my quirk I am gonna be a hero just like him!" The green head cheered standing in front of the screen blocking your view. You laughed watching him copy the movements of the hero as much as he could.

You were content with just staring at the back of his head, seeing him jump up and down. Izuku turned back to you with a big grin.

"Hey (Y/N)! Let's be a hero duo!" He suggested making you smile sweetly.

"Sure, Kukun!"


"Leave him alone!" 12 year old (Y/N) struggled against the hold of a male student, watching helplessly as Izuku was being pushed around by a group of students.

But none of them listened to your as they cackled. Mocking and

"Wanna be a hero Midoriya?" The boys teased

"Think you got what it takes?"

"How can you even be a hero if you don't have a quirk?"

The leader activated his quirk at Izuku's face making him cough at the smell of the smoke. "Wimp!" The bully laughed looping an arm around his shoulder roughly pulling the greenhead to face you.

"Hey Wimp, if you wanted to be a hero so bad, rescue your twin." Izuku's eyes shift from the face of his bully to your own scared one.

Before he could even take a step the boys pushed him to the ground. A gasp erupted from your lips as you watch your brother hit the flour. Feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline flowing through your veins, you surprised the male who was holding you captive, a harsh stomp to his foot.

His grip loosen almost immediately allowing you to slip out and push him back before rushing to your brother.

"Kukun..!" You cry helping him sit up. "Are you okay?"

"...(Y/N) I am so sorry for being so weak.." Izuku whispered to you making you frown.

Before you could retort to his words. The leader stood before you two with an amused smirk.

"Trying to play hero as well, small fry?"

"Well, if you are gonna be one too, then I think I did better." You sarcastically say making the bully's face scrunch in annoyance. "You sure came a long way from being a shy brat."

"Sad I don't see a difference with you."

Now that tipped him over the edge. "Why you!!!"

The bully grabbed you by the collar and pulled you up till your feet couldn't touch the ground. "(Y/N)!" Izuku cry out standing up to aid you but as kicked down.

"Stay down, I'll deal with you later!" The male yelled at the boy before pulling his arm back aiming for your face.

"Such a waste to ruin a pretty face." The bully say "But your mouth is an annoyance, no one is gonna miss that."

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