Chapter 5: Mistake

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You grinned as you walked with a skip in your step as you and your brother walked to school.

"(Y/N)! Slow down!" Izuku laughed watching you spun to a stop.

"Sorry, Kukun!" You smiled scratching your cheek with embarrassment. Izuku caught up and panted in light exhaustion. "You are so slow Kukun~" you teased.

"You got to be fit and healthy so you can be a strong hero." The boy flushed and fidget.

"H-Hey..!" You laughed continue to walk on, normally this time.

Though only blocks away from school and, a crowd was soon formed. "Ah! Its another one, let's go see which heroes are there!" Izuku exclaimed in excitement and dragged you towards the crowd.

"Kukun..!" You say with a whine as you were tugged along. "This is already the 28th time! Do we really have to go to every incident?"

"Y-Yeah! You wouldn't know who came to the scene!" Izuku squeaked while you both push through the crowd till you were able to see.

Izuku awed with sparkles figuratively surrounding him as he watched the fight.

You watched as well but not really in awe. 'It's just fighting... What is so good about that?'


"—and did you see the way they went swoosh! And bam!" Izuku chatted with you as you guys sat under a tree in the school grounds.

You giggled and nodded as he talked more.

"Don't forget to write it down." You reminded.

"R-Right! N-Now where is m-my pencil.." The boy patted his pockets and shuffled his hand in his bag through the contents to find that one item.

You sighed and showed him his pencil that was actually on the ground. "O-Oh... Ehehe.." Izuku scratched the back of his head.

"Oh Kukun, What would you be.." You jokingly mused.

But he took the question to heart and answered you unexpectedly. "I'll be feeling like I am missing something.." He said looking down.

"W-What?" You blinked in surprise.

"You are my other half, (Y/N). Its always lonely without you.." He says sadly.

"We are not classmates... So I won't have you by my side throughout the day.. Even though I want you to.." Izuku meet your eyes with his and smiled.

Your face flushed red with your ribbon acting as ears to express your shyness.

"S-Stupid Kukun..!" You stuttered.

"You better not get a girlfriend any time soon..!" At those words it was Izuku's turn to blush.



" with that just add the answer of the the amount of stones and there's the answer." Your teacher finished up.


"And there is the bell, okay class, be sure to answer pages 45-46 on your notebook with complete solution. No solution, minus points." The teacher packed up with the groans of the students in the background and left.

You quickly packed up your stuff and stood up from your chair to leave until 3 students came to your table.

"Hi Midoriya-chan!" One spoke cheerfully.

"Oh hello!" You greeted back with a hearty smile.

"Hey, did you get the lesson teacher discussed? It was so hard!" the other asked.

"Uh.. Yeah, it was fairly easy." You said to them.

"But how'd you do it?"

"Its nothing special really, you just have to keep an open mind and pay attention." You simply say but one put a finger to their chin in confusion.

"Are you sure you secretly don't have a quirk?"

You tilted your head in slight betrayal and confusion. "Why would you think of that?" You looked at them .

"Well you seem to get things so easily, maybe it was because you secretly have a quirk that could help you with school work and never told anyone!" One fantasized.

"Midoriya-chan you sly dog!" Another playfully gasped.

"Heheh... Funny.." You nervously laughed playing with the straps of your saddle handbag.

"But seriously tell us, do you have a quirk?" They started to crowd over you as if sharing a big secret. "Besides, a quirkless couldn't do much anyway. They have to have a cool quirk to be able to be worthy of some thing respectable.."

"And maybe you got a quirk but didn't say so that it would seem all you, haha! That is so sneaky Midoriya-chan!" They chatted making you shuffle your feet with discomfort.

"E-Excuse!" You suddenly say and rushed out of the room hiding the tears that was pooling in your eyes.


Panting you slowed to a stop under the bridge outside your school. You wiped the tears that fell to do ground with silent whimpers.

'Why would they think of such things?' You sobbed helplessly.

'I would never stoop so low!' You sniffed. You wiped the remaining tears from your face and put on a smile and started to walk off.

'Kukun said he has something to do so I should just wait at the play...' Your eyes widen at you brothers dirty form on the ground.

You felt your fingers slip from the strap as you saw the other kids who were responsible for his pain.


Well this was a bit shorter than usual. Sorry everyone for not updating last Saturday! I am currently on a trip! And the internet is just bad, it was only yesterday in the evening that I was able to get internet but it was late at night and I couldn't update.

And look how far this book has gotten and it only just published itself, my word!

Thank you all for reading this book and for commenting. I am quite active  in for comments mostly, while I try to fight back bad internet and such activities that get in my way, I wanna thank you guys for all your support!

I love you all so much!

Have a great day/night, know that each and everyone of you is fabulous and no one can change or say otherwise!

Peace! X3


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