Chapter 3: Bond of two Twins

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Sleeping peacefully in bed Izuku lightly snored smiling, blissfully dreaming of becoming a hero just like All Might.

But sadly it was getting late in the morning as feet scurried into the room.

Looking at his sleeping form you climbed on the bed you two share and knelt next to the sleeping boy.

"Kukun.." You whispered poking his shoulder hoping to wake him up.

But all he answered was a yawn and shifted away. "Kukun..! Its time to eat..!" You try to wake him. "Dinner will be cold..!" You tried to wake him again but he only shifted away again.

"Kukun...." You sniffed "wake up...!" In seconds later your sniffles turned into a full wail. "K-Kukun...!"

Izuku slowly stirred from the loud cries and looked behind him. "Hmm... (Y/N)..?" He flinched and panicked as he saw your big tears falling from your eyes.

"A-Ah! D-Don't cry (Y/N)! Its okay..! I am awake now!" Izuku hugged his crying sister hoping to calm her down.

You sniffed watching Izuku wipe your tears away. You smiled in happiness seeing that he is finally awake hugging back you pressed your's and this' cheeks together.

Inko walked into the room and chuckled watching you two. Cause actually... This has happened daily so it wasn't as much as a surprise to see you too hugging like your life depended on it.


"Kukun... Who are those?" You asked sitting beside Izuku watching some news and programs about heroes.

"Ah.. They are heroes, (Y/N)!" Izuku explained.

"Oh... But why do they fight? Mom says fighting is bad.." You tilted your head not getting why your brother like it so much. Izuku tries to reason.

"Ah.. Well, that's because they... Uh.. They have to stop the bad people from doing bad!" He says.

But you only frowned watching the violence that you wouldn't get.


Playing around the house you and Izuku ran around laughing and giggling.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Once I get my quirk, I am gonna be a super cool hero!" Izuku declared with his fist outstretched in the air.

You giggled as he grinned "But you are already cool even without your quirk!" You admit making your brother blush with modesty.

"Y-You think so?"

"Yes! Kukun will be the most awesomest hero, because Kukun has the power to never give up!" You tell him.

"And once I get my quirk, I will look after you and Mom and make sure you both are safe and happy!" Izuku promised patting your head.

"Eh..? As long as you are here for me by my side, I already feel safe and happy!"


"(Y/N).... D-Do you think I can be a great hero w-without a ..quirk?" Izuku whispered to you.

You both lay in your bed blanket tucked keeping you two warm and cozy the lights off but the moon rays peeping through the curtains.

"Kukun..." You frowned at his dad attitude but soon smiled.

"Like I said..." You spoke catching his attention. "Kukun has the power to never give up no matter what comes his way, no matter what other people say... That is your quirk to me.." You spoke as hell looked at you surprised.

"And because of that, I know for sure that Kukun will be an amazing hero in the future. With me as his No. 1 fan..." You smiled at your brother.

Izuku felt a warm feeling in his chest and with joy he pulled you close to him crying in happiness.

"T-Thank you (Y/N)..!" He sobbed into your shoulder.

With a soft him you hugged back stroking his wild tuffs. "I-I promise I will be there for you whenever you need me!" He says.

"Okay.." You whispered allowing him to sleep.

Deep down in your heart you knew that you two can't always be together, so that is why you wanted to make the most out of what you have now.


Standing in front of a entrance to an off limit place there was a group of children. "Off to kill the enemies!" Katsuki declared with a excited reply from his group.

"Yeah!" The boys cheered closely followed by You and your twin.


Into the woods you all go marching to Katsuki's anthem as he lead the way.

"Forward march, members of the Bakugo Hero Agency!" He chanted leading you guys crossing the log bridge.

When suddenly in the middle of crossing the log, he slipped on moss and fell into the river below.

"Nekochi!/Kacchan!" You and another boy exclaimed worriedly.

"Hey, are you okay!?" Another called.

But the third one, before Izuku, only smiled confidently. "He's fine. Kacchan is real strong!" He assured

And just as he predicted Katsuki surfaced up again. "____!"

You watch as Izuku walk down and lent a hand to Katsuki but Katsuki walked by him and climbed up. You made your way to Katsuki you shook his head.

"Nekochi..!" You called but he just continued walking off, you tilted your head at that and turned back to the boys who were all equally curious.


"A-Ah! S-Stop please..!" You squeaked as you were spun around.

"Come on Midoriya-chan! If you wanna hang out with the boys, you gotta know how to play like one!" A boy from the group laughed teasingly.

You cried out a plea again holding tightly on to the bar as the boy continue.

"Oi! Buns said enough so enough" Katsuki barked walking you to the boy who panicked and stopped.

Katsuki glared at the boy before he looked at you worriedly helping you down. As soon as your feet touches the ground you tackled him into a tight hugging.

"(Y/N)..!" Izuku called as he dashed to you. "K-Kukun..!" You cried letting Katsuki go to hug him.

"There there.." Izuku says stroking your hair, with a hand at the back of your head and an arm around your shoulders he brought you close to him.

Katsuki clenched his fist watching from afar but stayed quiet.

"Hey, (Y/N), why not you go to mom? She needs help making yummy food." Izuku say pulling away.

"O-Okay..!" You smiled brightly and gave your brother a kiss on the cheek before running to your mom who stood waiting for you.

Izuku smiled watching you leave before he heard explosions and crying.


Battered and dirty Izuku laid on the ground. It hurt too much for him to stand.

Katsuki with a threatening smile looked down to him. "Hey, Deku, don't tell Buns whatever happened here, mkay? Its better if she doesn't know!"


And with that Katsuki left with his two other friends.

Izuku watched Katsuki's leaving figure looking at his back with a determined look slowly making it way to his features.

'Kacchan... (Y/N) is one thing I won't let you take from me...'

Here is another update for my lovelies! Sorry for the many time skips but it so I can get to part when they get older sooner and to the part of the series.

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