Chapter 42: Visit

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Opening the door of your office your face immediately brighten when you saw who it was sitting on a comfy chair in your office.

"At first when I was called here I thought they just wanted me in the office quickly..!" You joked lightly as your guest stood up in your arrival. "It's so nice to see you again, Chi-san!" Once your close enough to the tall male you gave him a big hug

"You never have any fear when you approach me, kid..." The male grunted pushing you off with a soft nudge.

Hearing the remark you laughed it off "I am just to it you know? There is a lot of sccary guys in the higher ups!" Once you are both seated you continued your happy reunion with the enstranged man. "Besides, you were my sensei's most loyal customer and friend, I need to still pay you my respects!"

"I heard from your big mouth of a buttler that you are friends with a few famous hero students?" You sighed as you know who Chizome was tallking about before you lean back on your seat.

"It's not like it was on purpose, I met those guys before I even knew they were involved with anything hero.." You pout witth crossed arms. For a seconds it was quiet which got you curious but when you looked up you tense when you came face to face with his blood chilling stare.


Gulping silently you trembled while you attempt to laugh it off. "Y-Yeah.. I mean what about it...?"


'Lord why...?'

"Why can't the world leave me alone even when I say I know a few guys?" You sob dramatically as the man huffed. "The fact Sāji left you in an early stage requiress me to make sure you don't slip up in a few things."

"I am not hopeless, okay!?"

"I can count how many times you have required my assistance before.."

"—No! don't cross that road I have learned my lesson..." You jump to your to close his mouth then composed yourself ignoring the smug look he has on his face.

"I wonder if this is your usual conversation with a wanted criminal..." Another stern voice echoed in the room causing heads to tturn to the door. "Nana... how long have you been there?" you asked but she wasn't paying attention to you with her eyes strained on the man next to you.

"I thought you were more careful, Chizome" She spat the man's name in which he only looked at the woman with a cold gaze. "To come to a large orginization in broad daylight... How will the public take it if they found out you have connections with a family member of one of the students in UA?" Feeling the atmosphere in the room drop you worriedly looked between them.

"H-Hey, come on... There is no need to fight in here.." You tried to break up the glare-off the two are holding in your office,  it didn't help when Gensui and two of your other surbordinates watch the match from a safe distance at the gap of your open door.

"How old you have grown, I guess that's why he didn't accept you..." You gasped as Nana shot throned vines out of her long sleeves, at first you thought it would hit you but the vines completely flew around you and attacked Chizome who stand behind you.

Swiftly Chizome dodges and threw knives pinning the vines to the ground then threw one knife towards Nana who narrowly dodge it only  for her to head towards another knife thrown scratching her cheek.

Chizome leapt after the knife but was intervened by more of Nana's throned vines. Seeing the coated knife yyou picked it up only for it to be ripped from your hands by  the male, but unexpectedly as he licked the blood off the blade both him and the old woman fell to the ground paralized.

"Finally..." You sighed in exhaustion as the two still continued on their arguements throughh glares. "This is ridiculous..." You groaned picking up all the knives while Gensui decicded to actually help by putting the two on seperate chairs.

"What happened?" One of the worlers who watched asked helping cleann up the vines off the ground. "I coated the same blade that has Nana's blood with Chi-san's blood from one of the throned vines, it was only a matter of what happens when Chi-san licks both blood..."

(A/M: Can Stain actully be affected by his own quirk? Asking cause I haven't made it that far in the manga...)

In amazement the two chattted of how much your quick thinking had improved over the years while they brought away the vines with Gensui, who pormised to come back with drinks.

And it was then they left when Chizome's quirk started to wear off. Before they can even continue you spoke up sternly with annoyed look in your eyes "I am happy to throw you both out if you want to continue this." you threatened letting the two think wisely, with a huff through her nose Nana left you two grumbling multiple curses in a grudgingly way you can almost  take her for Katsuki's grandma.

Turning to Chizome who tucked away the collected knives he used you looked at him with an unnamused face. "Is this your idea of a reunnion?"

"I very much anticipated this."

"No wonder you haven't at least put down your baggage..."

"Seeing how your workers easily spilled your connections with heroes, it was only a mattter of time till they spilled my arrival to the old woman —by the way train them better."

"They know you are a usual."

"Not an excuse."

You rolled yoour eyes at his before picking up the remote.  "I think the festival is still on going, I wanna see who is still in the competition."

"Is the Tv still on the news?"

"Yeah, why?" Before you can even turn on the television Chizome put a hand on yours and slowly eased  the remote out of your possession. "I think it is best not to watch any news tonight, too much are going on today.."  Confused you merely  nodded watching him put the remote in your drawers before turning to you.

"Now, how are those items I have ordered?"

"Yeah.. Uh, yeah! Right this way." After giving him a confused glance you lead Chizome out if the room to where the supplies he ordered are.

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