Chapter 31: Cavalry Battle

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Soon enough all the other students arrived back in to the stadium and with that came the announcement of the top 42 students who made it to the next round.

Surprisingly for you that all three of the boys you knew, are classmates, their are in the top three and are all... unique... In personality.

"Big sis... Your friend with the messed up face... looks like he would be the next villain lookalike candidate..." Tamashī spoke unable to find a fitting compliment to the pic on the screen.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" You stared at the younger boy with a confused look.

"Are you not bothered by his expression?" He rephrased his words making you giggle a little.

"Nope!" You answered carelessly. "I've known him for years to understand the boy's own unique charisma."

"You call that charisma?" Gensui bluntly asked pointing at the silent fuming house who was hunched back slightly with negativity literally leaking out of his very being.

But you happily shrugged not wanting them to dent you flowery excited aura.

Turning back to the stadium, all the classes were then huddled to the stage where Midnight stood. "Now for the second event!" She announced as the screen slot started spinning adding tension to.

"Although I know what it is but what could it be? What could it be?" She taunted to the students as it finally stopped. "And here it is!" stopping, the choice was revealed to be..

"Ooh.. That is my favorite activity!" Tamashī commented excitedly earning a pat on the head from you.

"The participants can form teams of two to four as they wish. Its basically the same as a regular calvary battle, but the one thing that is different is... based on the results of the previous game, each person has been assigned to a point value." She explained to them but before she could explain more some of the students seem to already know a few of it making the woman angry for them speaking before her.

"Heh, so they already know how it works, huh?" Gensui raised a brow amused as Tamashī added in bluntly. "Probably something they picked up on during their classes."

"G-Guys let's just listen okay..?" You said to them a bit embarrassed of the stares the people around you gave. Probably because of the similarity in feature you have with the first placer.

"Yes, that's right! And the points assigned go up by five starting from the bottom. So, 42nd place got five points and 41th got ten points!" She explained the point settings, because of your experience in a lot of math you immediately calculated how much the first place cost.

"Wait so that means the point value..." You started just asking she spoke

"And the point value assigned to first place is..."

"10 million/!" You chorused as all the students stared at your brother. "Huh... So that would mean that as long as they get the 10 million points..." Tamashī concluded with Gensui finishing his sentence.

"Their current place would not matter as they would get an instant win with the band itself."

Hearing that you rest your chin on your hand. "Good luck, Izuku..!" You wished for your brother laughing.

"That's right, its survival of the fittest with a chance for the inferior to overcome the superior."

"...This is plus ultra."


The students were given 15 minutes to strategize with one another and form teams while the next 15 would be the duration of how long the cavalry battle will be.

Though the trial before the actual battle is..

"Because he didn't show off his quirk, no body has trust in Izuku's potential..." You sighed chuckling at your brother's situation.

"On the other hand your wild friend is really popular, huh?" Tamashī remarked seeing Katsuki surrounded by his classmates.

"Its only obvious because his quirk has a variety of uses and also because he's always been a rational thinker with good reflexes" You told him.

"I didn't expect him to he a rational thinker though..."

"You would notice after a while." You assured him before your attention was called by Gensui who arrived back with some drinks.

"Hey master look, its the family talent..!" Gensui jokes pointing to the stadium when you look down you saw your brother crying a mass amount of tears after he was approached by on of his classmates.

"H-Hey..! That is not true..!" You whined at the dark haired male who noticed your green eyes filling up with tears while your lips trembled.

"W-Wah..! Sorry sorry!" Gensui apologized frantically giving you a hanky to wipe your tears.

Tamashī was in the background with another bystander who was also watching the two. "They really are siblings..." He commented with the person nodding in agreement about both greenheads being such crybabies.


Soon enough everybody got ready, all the ones who weren't able to pass went back to their seats with the audience just separated from them.

"After 15 minutes of teaming up and creating a strategy, twelve cavalry teams are lined up on the field." Present Mic announced signalling the start of the event.

"Now, raise your battle cries! The UA's bloody battlefield is about to light the signal fire!"

Think crowd went crazy with excitement as the screen flashed 'Ready?' And followed by that was the count down, with the signal approved everyone charged after Izuku's team.

Before anyone knew his team took flight surprising some of the audience around you.

"Hmm, looks like he has that pink haired support course student with him." Tamashī noted as Izuku landed.

"But despite that, everyone is still going after him.. Oh! Its the son of that hero.. Todoroki.." Gensui pointed at the bicolor haired that was in the stadium.

"It hasn't been two minutes since the battle started but its a crazy scene down there. Everyone's fighting for the headbands! Aiming for the second to the fourth place instead of the ten million, isn't bad either." Commented the blonde hero from the spectator's view.

"That host is slowly becoming very obnoxious, its annoying me." Gensui grumbled at the loud spectator liking the man of few words beside him instead.

Izuku ended up in a hitch as two different yet advantageous teams cornered him causing another flight.

"One of his teammates hovering shoes is broken." You observed seeing the trail of smoke following after them.

Suddenly taking everyone by surprise. Katsuki flew into the sky fueled by his explosions charging for the 10 million points only to come back to his group on the ground empty handed due to the shadow bird that blocked his assault.

"That was extremely close." You say before you took a sip of you beverage.

Seven minutes into the game and it was time to view the points. "The current ranking will be put on screen." But the moment the audience viewed the points, they went silent by surprise.

"Oh.. Wait a second.. Aside from Midoriya, class A isn't doing so well.. What -Bakugo!?" Almost the entire stadium were shocked that the blonde's points were depleted to nothing.

Immediately you spotted the one at fault for the loss of Katsuki's points. It seemed to be a bold boy, who housed an even holder mouth.

"That must have hurt a lot..." Tamashī commented wit a worrisome look eyeing the student who is blazing with not only rage but fiery determination.

"He made a big mistake doing so.." You spoke up getting the attention of your two companions. "He is not only playing with fire but he is also adding fuel to it..." You smirked at the scene as everything is starting to come down with a minute left in the clock.

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