Chapter 11: Izuku Midoriya

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You may a little confused with the 'I' and 'my' but that is just the reader's thoughts. The rest will go beck to 'you' and 'your'.

Life is cruel...

"Woah! Look (Y/N)! Soka has a quirk!"

Society is also cruel...

"Midoriya-chan.. You are quirkless?"

"Hahaha! That's so lame!"

I thought you were nothing like them...

"Kukun you have a quirk?"


One day long ago in Qingqing, China, a luminescent baby was born with a unique power.

Then, as time passed, the similar phenomena happened all over the world, and soon the majority of the population had obtained superhuman powers-known as "Quirks".

Due to that, people were able to pursue heroism as a profession.

You know, if it were my brother, he would have given you the entire rundown of the history of quirks. But I am not him so I will tell you most what he would rant to me.

We live in this world full of people who possesses quirks, what are quirks? They are basically super powers and 80% of the world has them... What about that 20%? Well they are people who don't have them.

And those people are given the title as "quirkless".

That title is a big deal. Society was so hooked up with quirks and heroes that they all became jerks..


"(Y/N) look! Its Kamui!" Izuku cheers beside (Y/N) who nodded with a small smile. "Yeah so cool.."

Me and my brother is part of that 20%, it hurt him big time but he never gave up hope. I envied him because of that power of his, it inspired me to also hope for the best.

Standing in the crowd that was held back by police, and the heroes, Backdraft and Death Arms.

Izuku and (Y/N) watches as the hero, Kamui swung over the monstrous villain. Kamui Woods pulled his arm back with the wood from him body stretching out.

"Oh here it comes.."

"Preemptive Binding Lacquered Chains Prison!" Izuku cheered just as Kamui attacked.

But before the attack could hit another hero stepped in knocking the villain to the ground shocking the hero who's glory was taken.

"Canyon Cannon!" The large heroin yelled.

'Talk about element of surprise..' (Y/N) thought with a nervous smile. And we the new hero's arrival, a large group of photographers suddenly appeared.

"Today is the day of my debut, My name is Mt. Lady, pleasure to meet your ass-quaintance!~" She winked to the crowd but where was Izuku?

Nose into his notebook.

"K-Kukun" You tried to get his attention but instead it caught attention of another.

"Hey wait, your taking notes? You wanna be a hero? That's great! You can do it!" The man cheered with a thumbs up.

"Yes! I'll do my best!" Izuku looked back with gleaming eyes replied to him happily.

But you in the sidelines just smiled with amusement and sadness.

My brother always wanted to be a hero, just like the person he has watched ever since he was a kid.


"Since you are all third years, it is time for you to think seriously of your future." The teacher spoke up at the pedestal looking at his students. Izuku multitasking from paying attention and writing on his No. 13 booklet.

"I'll pass out hand outs for your future plans but.. Your all... Pretty much planning on going into the hero course, right?" He amusingly spoke and the class cheered all and showing off their quirks.

(Y/N) lightly sighed in amusement. Leaning her mouth into her hand not wanting to look at all the quirks.

How unfair they all were... Just because they have gifts.. Back then being unique is bad.. Now being normal is?

"Yes, yes, you all have wonderful quirks! But using your powers in school is against school rules!" He says.

You huffed and murmur into your hand "Its not like they listen... ".

"Teach!" A familiar voice piped with a cocky tone looking to your side just a seat in front to the right was Katsuki, the owner of the cocky tone.

"Don't lump us all in the same group. I am not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest these rejects." With his feet on his desk and his smirk plastered on his face, he was the kind of cocky person people would normally be annoyed at.

In the result a lot of our classmates were yelling in which you had to cover your ears.

"You should all shut up like the extras you are!" He mocked

You let out sigh of exhaustion as they continue to complain. "Oh if I remember correctly, you want to go to U.A high, right, Bakugo?" And that shocked everyone.

'Oh that's right, I read it in the internet when I was finding a school for my highschool...

U.A is a prestigious school, with an extraordinary reputation. And part of that reputation was the hard entrance exam many failed to pass through. '

"That's exactly why you guys are just extras!" Katsuki says jumping onto his desk.

"I aced the mock test. I am the only one in this school who could possibly get into U.A! I'll definitely surpass All Night and become the top hero! My name'll be inscirbed in the list of top earners!" Katsuki cackled proudly.

Despite all that being a bit of a worry some for the boy, what worried you more was that...

"Oh right, Midoriya wanted to go to U.A., too, right?"

And that one sentence shook the class-mostly Katsuki but yeah the class...

This chapter was my first idea for the first chapter of the book but then I decided to take a different route..

So that is why it is a bit on the short side.

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