Chapter 8: The Old Genius

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A thirteen year old green head stand in front of a full body mirror fixing her black uniform.

"(Y/N), are you done?" Izuku knocmed on your door. You sighed lightly in amusement at him wanting to go off early so he can catch sights of a few heroes on the way to school.

"Kukun, I still have to prepare lunch!" You laughed opening the door to see him scratching his cheek forgetting that fact.

"Oh r-right..!"

You smiled and pat his head even if he was a bit taller than you. "Why not you go ahead as I finish up? I have a shortcut to school so I won't be late." With a nod Izuku hurriedly bid you and your mother goodbye.

"Oh dear, you don't have to do that..!" Inko says watching from the couch as you prepare the bentos for you and your brother.

"Its fine mom, you did a lot of work for us and besides Kukun is busy preparing to become a hero!" You say with a soft smile.

"But (Y/N), don't you think we chould tell him thay he really can't?" Inko nervously say worriedly thinking for her son.

"Momma, you know I could never try to break his heart, he'll see on his own soon enough." You say.

"And what if fate decided to change his mind? This is still a chance for him to develope a quirk!" You enthusiastically say making your mom smile.

"Ah, what would we be without you? You have been the one to hold us together!" She chuckled.

You blush slightly and laughed lightly. "Momma..! Stop, I know you and him would do way better even without me." You say and before she can say anything else you were already heading to the door.

"Bye mom, see you after school!" You grinned and exit the front door.


"Ah! What a wonderful weather!" You sighed happily looking at the sky.

"Wonder if Kukun is at school..." you gave off a light snort at tye thought. "Heh, knowing him, he'll almost be late even if he have left early..."

Unknown to you is that a man was passing by carrying towering junks and couldn't see in front of him. Without warning you both clashed at each other and the tower went toppeling down.

"AH LOOK OUT!" Was what the man cried out.

Stumbling back to balance you caught the falling equipment that fell of tge tower. "G-Got it..!" You squeaked.

"A-Ah thank you, young lady.." The man sighed in relief.

"No its okay..! I was the one who wasn't looking..! Here as apology I will help bring this to where you were going." You told him with a lopsided smile.

"Oh how lovely! Well, my workshop is not that far, just down the road to the left.." He says.

With a nod you followed him down the alley and out to a local shop on the other side.

"Just put them over here." He requested leaving the junk items by the front.

After putting the items down you took a look around the shop. It was quite a messy one, it didn't looked clean because of all the scattered parts and not to mention that the area was on a quite street that was connected to the main one.

"Not quite a sight for sour eyes, huh?" The man chuckled watching panicked at being caught.

"S-Sorry! I-I didn't want to be rude..!" You say but the shook his head with a warm smile as he turned to a machine you didn't recignize.

"I haven't seen anything like this before.." You commented.

"Oh this old thing? Ah, this is nothing, just some side project of mine." The man say waving the item like it was nothing.

"How does it work?" You asked taking the space at the side.

"Well its basically a grapiling hook but I have a few twinks in mind, one is it can electrocute its wire so if one is ever followed you can electricute the wire."

"Or you can use it to paralize or knock an enemy unconscious." You spoke up catching him by surprise.

"Huh, I haven't thought about that." He chuckled heartily.

"Guess old age is getting to me, huh?"

"No one can stay young forever." You say looking a small fan close to your hand. You tried to turn it on but it didn't making you hum in confusion.

"Oh that thing? Its broken, I couldn't get it to work-" Without warning a strong gust of wind propelled at him before it stopped.

The man looked at you in surprise who was also shocked from the strength of the fan. "I-I'm sorry..! I just found an error in the parts and just... heh.. that is a strong fan..!" You say nervously not wanting to get in trouble.

His shock turning into a proud-like smirk. "Interesting." He say.

Checking your watch you jumped at the sight of the time. "O-Oh no, I am gonna be late!" You say and quickly made your way over the discarded parts on the floor to take your leave.

"Sorry for leaving in such a rush..! But I must go before I become late!" You bowed in apology.

"Hey, wait..!" The man called after you.

Turning back you caught a card that he tossed to you. "W-What is this..?" You asked looking at the man who had his head peeking out form the wall probably wasn't able to make it out with all the junk.

"If you don't know, I am a repair man too, so, as thanks to your help. If you need anything fixed just come over or give a call, I get bored from being alone on time to time!" He says making a smile appear on your lips.

"Sure thing, Thank you!" You bowed. "My name is (Y/N) Midoriya!" And with that you left.

The old man smiled at your disappearing from.

"See you soon."

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