Bonus Chapter: Music Box

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(This story will be entirely of Lightbulb's perspective. Thought it'd be a fun filler.)

I'm a good fake sleeper. So good, that I fooled myself into sleeping. 

I wander around a garden. It's the same one I brought Painty to a couple of years ago. I was 16  I think. The garden was filled with Yellow Daisies, Dandilions, Daffodils, Sunflowers, and forget me nots. I loved this garden because it was mostly yellow, with the hints of blue from the Forget me nots. I laughed. "Hey Painty Look, you're short for once." I point to the 10 foot sunflower. The Sunflower had about three feet on them. "Shut up" They said laughing, and gently shoving me. We walked together for awhile, till we found a field of pure dandilions. I ran through them, sending seeds everywhere. In the air, on the ground, on my glass, everywhere. In in Painty's bristles. They eventually caught up with me. "Slow down you goof." They said. "Sorry Painty! This place is pretty, ain't it?" I asked them quietly. The sun was setting across the flowers. "Yeah, I suppose it is. Come on. It's going to get dark soon, and Test Tube will Be worried." They grabbed my wrist and semi-dragged me out of the field. As much as I wanted to stay in the garden, I couldn't. But Painty didn't drag me home. They dragged me into a pitch black room and disappeared. There was a small music box on a table in front of me, but nothing else. I wind the music box up, and it plays a sweet melody I swear I've heard before. Then when it ends, it all goes white.

I sit up, hoping to be in the Cabin, Or Tent, or at Home. But I'm back in this white room. I want that garden back. I want that music box back. I want "my" Painty back. When they weren't so serious. But I can't have any of that. I can only accept the small changes. Changes...wait. The lyrics! I remember the lyrics! I sing quietly to myself. "Let's go in the garden, you'll find something waiting, right there where you left it, lying up-side down. When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded. The underside is lighter, when you turn it around. Everything stays, right where you left it. Everything stays, but it still changes. Ever so slightly, daily and nightly, in little ways. Everything stays~" I finish softly. I had only been singing to myself. I wanted the feel the fluffy seeds, the velvety petals, but all I had was the song. I suppose that's good enough. I don't know why, but somehow I had started crying. As if I was watering the flowers. Why the flowers need water, I don't know. It's still very nice of me. I breath, and roll over, trying to go back to sleep. I can't let Painty see me crying again. They'll get too worried. Then, I find a state of zen, humming the tune to myself, and fall back asleep. I wonder where I'll go this time....

(A/N: First Bonus! I'm in love with with one. I used "Everything Stays" from Adventure time, knowing it'd Fit.)

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