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{ Recap }

"Anywhere sight-seeing." I said. He then took me to this place called 'spring fall' (I made it up lol) it's an sight-seeing and picnic place mostly for couples. It was an amazing place with such a beautiful scenery. After capturing a few photos I went to the restroom near by. On my way there I saw couples doing their thing how they do and I saw someone out side the bathroom. Someone too familiar, just then he turned around and our eyes meet. my heart broke into 1000 pieces. I could believe what I saw, Iyfaaz with...


I couldn't believe what I saw, Iyfaaz with an brunette. She had long- brown hair and glistening green eyes. Not going to lie or anything but she was beautiful. Model figure, perfect height. But he was kissing her.Is he muslim? Did he forget his akirah? I wasn't jealous or even cared but it broke my heart to find out what kind of man he really is. A Tear escaped my eye, and before Iyfaaz saw it, I turned around and ran to my car. All I heard was Iyfaaz calling for me. But I ignored it and hurried to my car. I shut the door on his face and left.

"Where to ma'am?" the driver asked me.

"Airport, were going to Dad." I replied. The drive full of crys and sobs until I made it to the plane for my two hour horrible journey.


I rushed out of the car once I got to LA and went to knock the door. After a few knocks and door bells, Abby my dad's nurse opened the door.

"Hello ma'am, come in." she greeted me. She looked worried.

"Oh hey Abby, how is dad? Is he okay?" I asked. I was panicking. 2 minutes passed and she still didn't reply. I swear if she doesn't answer me in another minute I'm going to have a panic attack.

"Uh- um Mr. Arif is fine he- he just lo-Los-lost the ability to wa- walk." I couldn't believe what she just said. I burst into to rivers and streams of tears. I couldn't hold them back anymore. Allah, your the only one who could help me. Please lead me to the right path and show me away. I can't handle two shocking news at the same time. I have to stay strong. If I'm not strong how will I help make my dad strong. And he needs to be strong for this fight. I need to pray to Allah. That's when I remembered that I had to pray asr salah. I rushed into the house and went straight to the bathroom to perform wudu. After making wudu I went to my old room to pray salah. I finished my salah and made a lot of dua. Before I went to my fathers room.

Allah, you are the only one who could help me with this fight. Please help me through this test of life. I can't handle this alone. First I caught Iyfaaz cheating with me while he said he was in a business trip. This is the type of things he goes on business trips for? Its unbelievable! Then secondly, my dad lost the ability to walk.

I can't hold my tears back but I have to. I pick up my salah mat and wipe the forming tears and head to my dad's room.

"Assalamalaykum, papa!" I said cheerfully so he doesn't find out that I know and make him weak.

"Walaykumassalam beta how are you my darling?" he said weakly. I held my tears back once again. I had to lie. I couldn't tell him what's going in between me and Iyfaaz. It was killing me to lie to him but I had to. Allah forgive me for lying to my father, I had to in this state.

"I'm good Allhumdullilah, how are you?" I replied.

"I'm good as well, but you don't look so good? What's wrong?" he asked. I looked down to find another lie to say to him.

"Uh-um, I'm just exhausted from work, that's all." I replied.

"Zahrah beta, there is no need to lie to-- oh Itfaaz beta, come in. I'm sorry I was busy talking to my daughter. I didn't notice you were there." Dad said. He just had the nerve to show up here and worry my father.

"Assalamalaykum uncle, and it's ok I just got here. How are you?" Iyfaaz replied. I shouldn't have done it but I couldn't hold myself back from turning my head to meet his innocent- not - face. But when I did, our eyes met. I saw guilt in them but I knew it was fake guilt.

"Walaykumassalam, I'm good as you see, how are you?" Dad replied.

"I'm good." he replied.

"Zahrah beta, go get Iyfaaz some juice." dad asked me. I nodded and walked to the kitchen. I could feel his gaze following me but I ignored it and walked to the kitchen. I put the juice in the glass and walked it back to the room. I handed the glass to him and went to the other side of bed to sit next to dad.

Dad and Iyfaaz were busy talking about business. Huh? Iyfaaz and business. But they were busy anyways. I took my phone and checked my emails and stocks. After a while they stopped chit-chatting and Iyfaaz excused himself to go to the bathroom. My dad turned to me to say something. I immediately shut my phone and put it down to listen to him.

"Zahrah, could I ask you something?" he asked.

"Sure dad, what is it that you want to ask?" I asked him.

"Beta..don't lie to me and tell me the truth. Are you happy with this marriage?" my eyes widened and my face fell. I didn't know the answer to this. I just stayed shut for a moment to think. Am I happy or not?

Follow me on another roller coaster of life, The coaster of braking trust, trusting, and lying.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I had a whole different story typed and I got deleted... urghh I'm still mad! Anyways! I'm still going to go in with this story, yay! Btw, this is what you call 'intermission' from movies. Let's see what happens.

Don't forget to






Love you guys,


Dealing With A Muslimah{Complete} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now