T W E N T Y- O N E

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So finally wattpad started to act up and here is the long waited chapter! It's short because I wrote it various times and it got deleted so I forgot what to write. It's almost 4:00am and here I am writing. I just finished writing chapter 21 22 and 23! And yes 22 and 23 are longer so get ready for it! But 21 is short lol! Sorry! Now you guys may go read!

By the way, last 2014 update! It has been a short year! May Allah bring 2015 as a even better year for us. Ameen!

😘Happy New Years Eve😘



"I had so many questions, but will I get the answers? I don't know."

Iyfaaz-[Dealing With A Muslimah]


"I treat you to my best?" I said guilty. Guilty that I never treated her well. Guilty that she praises me even though I never did good to her. I don't know why but, this made me feel upset and confused of what I'm making her go through. I didn't know why I was thinking this way but I can't think this because I need to get my revenge. It's just her face that makes me want to stop all this and run to her and take her in my arms. Its just her innocence that makes want to steal her heart and keep it. It's just her beautiful smile I want to keep looking at me as if I'm her smile. But it's just something that I can't get. And something that will never happen. I have to do this. Even if my heart is telling me no, my brain is there to force me to do this.

'But why harm her for something she has never done, for something she didn't do?' My inner voice told me. But I was still confused. My heart told me that I will do wrong if I harm her but my brain isn't agreeing.

After a short while she finally replied with a stone expression.

"I don't know okay. And to be honest, I don't care. You could treat me any way you want. It won't bother me because I'm used to it. The pain isn't as bad anymore because I'm getting used to it day by day. You know I'm different from other girls. You know why? Because they hate being treated like a tissue. And I, I don't hate that. Because it's what I'm like , a tissue. I have always been like it all my life. I get used and then I'm thrown in trash. But I'm reused again because I like to be reused and then thrown away. Anyways why am I telling you this? In a couple of days, you will receive the divorce papers and then you could throw me away, I'm a tissue that has been in your pocket for a while bothering you, just a little wait." She said smiling. But it was fake. Her smile was fake. But it was as if every word she said was true and I'm sure it was. But why has she always been treated like a tissue? What is the story behind her? Why does it seem that her life has always been the same, difficult. And I want to know why.

'Iyfaaz just do what you have to and let her rot" my inner voice told me. I didn't want to agree but I had to. Even if this is all forced. But not if I divorce her.

"What if I tell you, I don't want to divorce you?" I asked. Something just had me wanting to dig deep into her and I was doing that well now.

"Then you could just use the tissue again and again and again, until one day it's crumbled into mini pieces that could never be brought together again. " she said with a cold laugh.

There is a story behind her coldness. A story about her distantness. A story behind those beautiful eyes. A story behind her one in a million smile. A story of her. And most importantly, the story I am going to open. Because it has never been touched before. I'm going to open it up and read through every deeps of it until there isn't any word left unread. Even if I would have to break my fathers laws for this.


Short I know but I have good news

The next few chapters will be long because a lot will be going on!

What do you think will happen?

Dealing With A Muslimah{Complete} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now