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Tried making it a little long 😂


There was a knock on the hospital room door. And a nurse came in.

"Good morning ma'am, how are you? " She said kindly.

"Good Morning, and I'm great." I replied.

"I just wanted to let you know that you are now discharged, could you let us know who is going to pick you up or would you like to call someone and then you could just page from the telephone at number 9 and I will be here." she asked. I can't let Iyfaaz pick me up, so I think I should call Sheroz.

"Uh, I will page you and let you know after I make a call." I give her a full smile and she leaves.

I pick up my phone from the table on the side and look for Sheroz's number in my contacts. Once I go to the 'S' section he is the first one to show up. I click on it and wait for him to answer.

After three bells, he answers.

"Assalamalaykum Zaroo, sorry I took a while to answer I wasn't in my room." he says.

"Walaykumassalam Sheroz. It's fine. I just wanted to ask. . well wanted to uh know if you could pick me up from the hospital." I say stuttering. I feel a little embarrassed calling him to pick me up but I'm not in the mood of facing Iyfaaz.

"Sure why not, you dont even have to ask and I will be there." he said.

"Thank you so much! My Allah bless you!" I said. He was always there for me until we got separated.

"No need to thank me, and look at you growing up, always been into your deen even though all you been through, you never forget it! Okay anyways, I'll be there in 5 minutes." he said. He was right, before anything in my life, my deen came first. Which is a good thing. I'm proud of myself and glad that Allah has always been with even in my hard times.

"Okay, thanks once again, Allah Hafiz!" I said.

"No problem, Allah Hafiz." He replied.

After about 5 minutes, Sheroz came and discharged me and took me to dinner. We went to Shalimar, a famous restaurant in L.A. We ate some delicious pakistani food.

It's been a while since we were outside and it was getting late so I told Shehroz to take me home. I got into the car.

"So who is Iyfaaz?" He asked me. I sighed.

"Long story short, my dad is going through cardiac attacks and he..he..he only has a while left to,to live. " I was already crying and stuttering but I didn't stop talking.

"He said his last wish was that I marry Iyfaaz so all my life I didn't have the chance to help him and I said yes. And now it's been about 6 months and I'm married to iyfaaz. " I finally finished.

"Oh Allah, I'm sorry to hear that, I would like to meet him and please don't cry Inshallah everything will be alright and he will go straight to Jannah. Ameen." he said. This is why we were best friends, he always supported me. And that's what I need.

"Ameen." I said calming my self down a bit. I wiped my tears and smiled a little, knowing I had someone always here for me.

" Is Iyfaaz treating you alright?" It was as if my heart stopped as soon as he asked me. I can't tell him about the Iyfaaz I know.

"He's great Mashallah, Thanks to Allah!" I said. We had a talk and I lied about how he is a great man and he keeps me really happy.


Zahrah is getting discharged from the hospital today. It been 2 days since the incident but she still hasn't spoken a word to me. She doesn't even reply to me anymore. I feel like I lost the ability to have her even talk to me anymore. But I can't give up. I don't like hurting her anymore but I have to do it. But she won't understand that. Because I caused the pain, even though I didn't want to.

I locked my car and went to the receptionist desk to discharge her.

"Hello sir, how may I help you? " The lady sitting there asked.

"I'm here to discharge Zahrah Malik, room 240 floor 2." I said.

"Um, I don't see a Zahrah Malik, but there was an lady named Zahrah Arif who got discharged at 2:00pm." she said. Zahrah already got discharged. But who took her? And where.

"Could I ask who took her?" I asked.

"I'm sorry sir, but who are you to Zahrah, I can't tell you unless your husband or any other close relative." she said.

" I'm her husband. We had a little fight and she got upset and probably left with someone else but I want to know who that is!" I said almost pleading.

"It was a guy, and he was her best friend.Name is Sheroz Khan. That's all I could let you know." she said. Who Is Sheroz? Is she cheating on me? My anger boiled but I controlled it and walked to my car. Where could she be ?

I tried calling her phone but it was on answer machine. She wasn't answering her calls. I went home and started to wait for her to come in at some point.

It's been 6 hours and she's still not home. She isn't answering her calls either. I'm starting to get worried. Just as I was thinking about her, the bell rung.

"Shantel, get the door! "I yelled at my house maid. She ran to open the door.

"Who is it?" I asked her loudly.

"Sir,Mrs. Malik is here."my eyes widened. I walked to the door and saw her standing with a guy.

"Who are you? " I asked.

"I'm Sheroz, Zahrahs childhood best friend." he said pulling his hand out of his pocket to shake with mines. I shake his hand and looked down at Zahrah. She was looking anywhere else but at me. And it bothered me, a lot.

"Thank you for today Shero, and dinner was great." she said giving him a great smile. Now they have nick names as well! Oh God, why am I so jealous ?

"Zaroo, what did I say about thanking me, you don't have to Hun!" He said. Anger started to build into me. They were so close to each other. I wasn't as close to her as he was. And it made me jealous. I Was really jealous .

" Nice to meet you Mr.Malik, heard a lot about you! Thank you for treating Zahrah to your fullest. Its good to know she's happy!" My eyes widened once again. She didn't say anything against me even though I never treated her good. She still respected me. I looked at her and she turned to face the other side if the room.

Sheroz left soon and I was now standing alone with Zahrah. I had so many questions but would I get the answers. I don't know.


Dedication goes to @SameeraTasawar for the amazing message she sent me😃

Thank you once again @SameeraTasawar

And a dedication to @Haniya-01 for her amazing comments and personal messages she sent me! It means a lot to me😘

Thanks once again Hun

Hope you like it!

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