T W E N T Y- F I V E

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Iyfaaz: Please call me ASAP! Please Zahrah I beg you, I would die of regret if you won't contact me now!

A message from Iyfaaz.



'Zahrah just pick up the phone and call him' my inside voice told me.

But I can't. He hurt me way to much to let go by only one text. But the text felt so realistic as if he really needs me to talk to him. Just because we are going through divorce issues, it doesn't mean that I wasn't the person that helped him when he was drunk. I always helped him when he was drunk and helped him get rid of smoking. I helped him while he was depressed but why can't i now. I s all I want to say. I pick up my phone unlock it and put it back down. I can't do this. I'm to weak to talk to him. After all I did make a joke of myself by telling him everything. I was so stupid. I can't do this.

'Because you know you will let go and cry to him'

'But I can't, I mean nothing to him and he means nothing to me.'

I kept saying but it wasn't true because he does mean something to me. Something I can't ever get. But I tried and I guess it didn't work. It won't work. Our marriage didnt work. Our child never came. And MY love never worked. If I didn't get a divorce now, I was gonna get it after 2 months. The year is almost over and our marriage deal was only for a year. This February 21st it's all going to come to an end. What will I do to avoid him then? I have to ignore him now so it won't hurt as much when our marriage is ended.

My thoughts were disturbed as my phone buzzed again. I looked down at it and once again there was a text. But not from Iyfaaz. It was from a blocked number.

'Roses are red, violets are blue, you are a whore, and I'm coming for you'

I read the message and my phone dropped out of my hands. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I was scared. I was threatened and I couldn't do anything about it. Who could it be? I'm not sure but I was already in some deep things and now this to. Ya Allah! Why is this happening to my life? Why am I so hopeless? What happened to the strong Zahrah everyone once knew. I dropped my face to the pillow and started crying loudly. But loud so that my dad isn't disturbed.

I wiped away my tear stained cheeks, ignoring the fact that my life is under a threat. And went to bed. But it was as if sleep doesn't exist. But then something came o mind. I have to tell someone about this. Maybe the police?

'No Zahrah, tell someone your close to, someone you may trust' my inner voice told me. The only name that started spinning in my mind was Iyfaaz. But I don't trust him. Or do I?

'You sure do' the voice came back.

"No no no you don't." I said to myself. But it was a lie. I still do trust him. My heart still tells me to share it with him.

I got up from bed again and did wudu*. To pray some nafal* salah and pray for my safety.

Once I was done, I came on bed and unlocked my phone. Dialing Iyfaaz's number, I waited for him to pick up.

Hope talk like it. I m sorry for tha late update but I have been very very very busy. You won't even believe it. And please don't complain about the chapter being short, because I took my time out to write for you all. Hope you guys understand! Thank you 😘


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