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I tried editing the paragraph mistakes in chapter seventeen but WATTPAD is acting up so it isn't working. I edited that thing like 4 times but it changes into the same. So, I'm sorry! And please appreciate I'm updating even thought it's short! Please. Hope I don't sound rude but I'm really busy with studies ! Thank you!
- lovecare16

'Love is shown in your Deeds, not in your words'


I walked behind the body guards to get to my car. It wasn't along walk because It was parked on the closest parking meter. There was one bodyguard taking Iyfaaz to the car and one right behind me to the left.

I walked to the exit of the club and the security asked for my id again. I took the id out of my wallet and showed it to the security. He checked it and gave it back to me. I was walking to the car and putting my id back in my wallet at the same time. Which made me look at only my wallet. I was struggling to put it in my wallet when I bumped into someone and dropped my phone and wallet to the ground.

"Can't you see where you are going?" I said picking up my belongings.

"I'm really sorry ma'am I didnt.." I didn't let him finish and looked up.

"Sheroz!" Oh my Allah! I saw Sheroz by best friend after like 8 years.

"Omgg Sheroz! I missed you so much! You look like a fully grown man! Oh my god! How are you?" I said. I was really excited! Sheroz and I were best friends since childhood. Our families were really close but it all ended because my dad and his dad got into a fight and we both were broken apart.

"Zaroo, I'm great! How are you? You look so different yourself princess!" He always called me Zaroo. He never called me anything else besides that. Uh, I missed him so much! We both stood up from the ground. We both talked for about ten minutes remembering our old memories and exchanged phone numbers.

"Okay I'll see you soon, I have to get going, Iyfaaz is waiting for me!" I had to lie. I can't tell Sheroz that my husband is drunk. He will get upset.

"Who's Iyfaaz? " he asked. Worry on his face. Why is he worried?

"Oh I will tell you next time, I have to go now!" I said and walked to the car. The bodyguard was there with me the whole time. Woah! I made him wait a lot. We were talking for 10 minutes at least.

The driver opened the door for me and the body guard sat in the passenger seat. Iyfaaz should be sleeping at home, he was pretty drunk to be in his senses. So I wasn't that worried about it! The thing I was worried about is his parents visiting soon.

Once we got home, I got out of the car and went inside the house. Stella was standing by the door to say something.

"Hello ma'am, I just wanted to let you know that Mr. Malik's order was for you to go into his room as soon as you get home." She said. Wait! Didn't he pass out because he was drunk. Anyways, I nod my head and go up to his room.

I knocked the large door of the master bedroom.

"Come in" his manly voice answered.

Once I came in I saw Iyfaaz sitting on his bed. His hair was messy but was looking good! No it wasn't looking good, it was just messy. His tie was swing on his shoulder and his shirts buttons were open.

"Oh wow! Look who's finally here!" He said sarcastically. And laughed lightly.

"Your not sober, when you are I will come to your room." I said straight forward. I was still mad at what he made me go through.

He got up from the bed and held me from my wrist. He held so tight that I think that my wrist will start bleeding. I was wearing glass bangles and they dug into me but he held it even tighter. But I can't cry anymore. I had enough! I have to be strong. Two bangles broke down and went into my wrist cutting my skin and making it bleed. Even after stopping myself from crying the tears came down my eyes as pain was filling me.

After what felt like forever, Iyfaaz let go. I didn't look at my wrist at all, instead I saw the blood all over his hand. He looked at me in my eyes and I looked in his, but regardless regret wasn't in them. He is a cold hearted person! He looked away first and loudly yelled,

"You b*tch you killed my kid, I will kill you! You should be worried about your husband here at home but your out handing with men. Your a whore. I knew it. So how many have you seen since this marriage?" He yelled. The blood was dripping faster. Its been dripping for 30 minutes now. I started to feel dizzy and closes my eyes. I passed out.



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